" Vimball Archiver by Charles E. Campbell, Jr., Ph.D. UseVimball finish doc/tcomment.txt [[[1 757 *tcomment.txt* An easily extensible & universal comment plugin Author: Thomas Link, micathom AT gmail com?subject=vim tcomment provides easy to use, file-type sensible comments for Vim. It can handle embedded syntax. TComment works like a toggle, i.e., it will comment out text that contains uncommented lines, and it will remove comment markup for already commented text (i.e. text that contains no uncommented lines). If the file-type is properly defined, TComment will figure out which comment string to use. Otherwise you use |tcomment#DefineType()| to override the default choice. TComment can properly handle an embedded syntax, e.g., ruby/python/perl regions in vim scripts, HTML or JavaScript in php code etc. tcomment favours the use of line-wise comment styles. This implies that usually whole line will be commented out. tcomment also knows block-style and inline comments that can be used via special maps (see below) or the |:TCommentAs| command. Demo: http://vimsomnia.blogspot.com/2010/11/tcomment-vim-plugin.html *tcomment-maps* Key bindings~ Most of the time the default toggle keys will do what you want (or to be more precise: what I think you want it to do ;-). *tcomment-operator* As operator (the prefix can be customized via |g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1| and |g:tcommentMapLeaderOp2|): gc{motion} :: Toggle comments (for small comments within one line the &filetype_inline style will be used, if defined) gcc{motion} :: Toggle comment text with count argument (see |tcomment#Comment()|) gcc :: Toggle comment for the current line Explicit commenting/uncommenting: g<{motion} :: Uncomment region g{motion} :: Comment region g>c :: Comment the current line g>b :: Comment the current region as block In visual mode: gc :: Toggle comments gC :: Comment selected text CAVEAT: If you visually select text within a line, the visual mode map will comment out the selected text. If you selected text across several lines, the visual mode map will assume though that you wanted to comment out lines -- since this is how many vim maps work. In order to make tcomment use e.g. inline comments anyway, use the i map -- see below. By default the cursor stays put. If you want the cursor to the end of the commented text, set |g:tcommentOpModeExtra| to '>' (but this may not work properly with exclusive motions). Primary key maps for normal and insert mode: :: :TComment :: :TComment b :: :TCommentBlock In insert mode, the cursor will be positioned inside the comment. In normal mode, the cursor will stay put. a :: :TCommentAs n :: :TCommentAs &filetype s :: :TCommentAs &filetype_ i :: :TCommentInline (in normal and insert mode, this map will create an empty inline comment, which isn't suitable for all filetypes though) In insert mode, the cursor will be positioned inside the comment. In normal mode, the cursor will stay put. r :: :TCommentRight p :: Comment the current inner paragraph :: Set the count argument (a number from 1 to 9) for use with the subsequent tcomment map/command (see |tcomment#Comment()|) E.g. in JavaScript, in order to get an empty /** */ comment for documentation purposes, in insert mode type 2i In order to get an empty block comment like > /** * */ < type 2b Most of the above maps are also available in visual mode. A secondary set of key maps is defined for normal and insert mode: __ :: :TComment _p :: Comment the current inner paragraph _ :: :TComment _i :: :TCommentInline _r :: :TCommentRight _b :: :TCommentBlock _a :: :TCommentAs _n :: :TCommentAs &filetype _s :: :TCommentAs &filetype_ ... and for select mode: __ :: :TComment _i :: :TCommentInline ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Install~ Edit the vba file and type: > :so % See :help vimball for details. If you have difficulties or use vim 7.0, please make sure, you have the current version of vimball (vimscript #1502) installed or update your runtime. ======================================================================== Contents~ g:tcommentMaps ................................ |g:tcommentMaps| g:tcommentMapLeader1 .......................... |g:tcommentMapLeader1| g:tcommentMapLeader2 .......................... |g:tcommentMapLeader2| g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 ........................ |g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1| g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway ............ |g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway| g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway .............. |g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway| g:tcommentTextObjectInlineComment ............. |g:tcommentTextObjectInlineComment| :TComment ..................................... |:TComment| :TCommentAs ................................... |:TCommentAs| :TCommentRight ................................ |:TCommentRight| :TCommentBlock ................................ |:TCommentBlock| :TCommentInline ............................... |:TCommentInline| :TCommentMaybeInline .......................... |:TCommentMaybeInline| TComment_ ..................... |TComment_| v_TComment_ ................... |v_TComment_| i_TComment_ ................... |i_TComment_| TComment_p ......................... |TComment_p| i_TComment_p ....................... |i_TComment_p| TComment_ ................... |TComment_| i_TComment_ ................. |i_TComment_| i_TComment_r ....................... |i_TComment_r| TComment_r ......................... |TComment_r| v_TComment_i ....................... |v_TComment_i| TComment_i ......................... |TComment_i| i_TComment_i ....................... |i_TComment_i| TComment_b ......................... |TComment_b| i_TComment_b ....................... |i_TComment_b| TComment_a ......................... |TComment_a| i_TComment_a ....................... |i_TComment_a| TComment_n ......................... |TComment_n| i_TComment_n ....................... |i_TComment_n| TComment_s ......................... |TComment_s| i_TComment_s ....................... |i_TComment_s| TComment_cc ........................ |TComment_cc| TComment_ca ........................ |TComment_ca| TComment___ ..................... |TComment___| x_TComment___ ................... |x_TComment___| TComment__p ..................... |TComment__p| TComment__ ............... |TComment__| x_TComment__i ................... |x_TComment__i| TComment__r ..................... |TComment__r| TComment__b ..................... |TComment__b| TComment__a ..................... |TComment__a| TComment__n ..................... |TComment__n| TComment__s ..................... |TComment__s| x_TComment_Uncomment .................... |x_TComment_Uncomment| x_TComment_Comment ...................... |x_TComment_Comment| v_TComment_ic ........................... |v_TComment_ic| TComment_ic ............................. |TComment_ic| x_TComment_gc ........................... |x_TComment_gc| g:tcomment#blank_lines ........................ |g:tcomment#blank_lines| g:tcomment#rstrip_on_uncomment ................ |g:tcomment#rstrip_on_uncomment| g:tcommentModeExtra ........................... |g:tcommentModeExtra| g:tcommentOpModeExtra ......................... |g:tcommentOpModeExtra| g:tcommentOptions ............................. |g:tcommentOptions| g:tcomment#options_comments ................... |g:tcomment#options_comments| g:tcomment#options_commentstring .............. |g:tcomment#options_commentstring| g:tcomment#ignore_char_type ................... |g:tcomment#ignore_char_type| g:tcommentGuessFileType ....................... |g:tcommentGuessFileType| g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl ................... |g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl| g:tcommentGuessFileType_php ................... |g:tcommentGuessFileType_php| g:tcommentGuessFileType_blade ................. |g:tcommentGuessFileType_blade| g:tcommentGuessFileType_html .................. |g:tcommentGuessFileType_html| g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton ............. |g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton| g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim ................... |g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim| g:tcommentGuessFileType_django ................ |g:tcommentGuessFileType_django| g:tcommentGuessFileType_eruby ................. |g:tcommentGuessFileType_eruby| g:tcommentGuessFileType_smarty ................ |g:tcommentGuessFileType_smarty| g:tcommentGuessFileType_rnoweb ................ |g:tcommentGuessFileType_rnoweb| g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php ..................... |g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php| g:tcomment#syntax_substitute .................. |g:tcomment#syntax_substitute| g:tcommentSyntaxMap ........................... |g:tcommentSyntaxMap| g:tcomment#replacements_c ..................... |g:tcomment#replacements_c| tcomment#GetLineC ............................. |tcomment#GetLineC()| g:tcommentInlineC ............................. |g:tcommentInlineC| g:tcommentBlockC2 ............................. |g:tcommentBlockC2| g:tcomment#replacements_xml ................... |g:tcomment#replacements_xml| g:tcommentBlockXML ............................ |g:tcommentBlockXML| g:tcommentInlineXML ........................... |g:tcommentInlineXML| g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def ................. |g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def| g:tcomment#must_escape_expression_backslash ... |g:tcomment#must_escape_expression_backslash| tcomment#DefineType ........................... |tcomment#DefineType()| tcomment#GetCommentDef ........................ |tcomment#GetCommentDef()| g:tcomment_types .............................. |g:tcomment_types| tcomment#Comment .............................. |tcomment#Comment()| tcomment#MaybeReuseOptions .................... |tcomment#MaybeReuseOptions()| tcomment#ResetOption .......................... |tcomment#ResetOption()| tcomment#SetOption ............................ |tcomment#SetOption()| tcomment#Operator ............................. |tcomment#Operator()| tcomment#OperatorLine ......................... |tcomment#OperatorLine()| tcomment#OperatorAnyway ....................... |tcomment#OperatorAnyway()| tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway ................... |tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway()| tcomment#CommentAs ............................ |tcomment#CommentAs()| tcomment#GuessCommentType ..................... |tcomment#GuessCommentType()| tcomment#TextObjectInlineComment .............. |tcomment#TextObjectInlineComment()| ======================================================================== plugin/tcomment.vim~ *g:tcommentMaps* g:tcommentMaps (default: 1) If true, set maps. *g:tcommentMapLeader1* g:tcommentMapLeader1 (default: '') g:tcommentMapLeader1 should be a shortcut that can be used with map, imap, vmap. *g:tcommentMapLeader2* g:tcommentMapLeader2 (default: '_') g:tcommentMapLeader2 should be a shortcut that can be used with map, xmap. *g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1* g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 (default: 'gc') See |tcomment-operator|. *g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway* g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway (default: 'g<') See |tcomment-operator|. *g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway* g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway (default: 'g>') See |tcomment-operator|. *g:tcommentTextObjectInlineComment* g:tcommentTextObjectInlineComment (default: 'ic') *:TComment* :[range]TComment[!] ?ARGS... If there is a visual selection that begins and ends in the same line, then |:TCommentInline| is used instead. The optional range defaults to the current line. With a bang '!', always comment the line. ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): 1. a list of key=value pairs 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd *:TCommentAs* :[range]TCommentAs[!] commenttype ?ARGS... TCommentAs requires g:tcomment_{filetype} to be defined. With a bang '!', always comment the line. ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): 1. a list of key=value pairs 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd *:TCommentRight* :[range]TCommentRight[!] ?ARGS... Comment the text to the right of the cursor. If a visual selection was made (be it block-wise or not), all lines are commented out at from the current cursor position downwards. With a bang '!', always comment the line. ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): 1. a list of key=value pairs 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd *:TCommentBlock* :[range]TCommentBlock[!] ?ARGS... Comment as "block", e.g. use the {&ft}_block comment style. The commented text isn't indented or reformated. With a bang '!', always comment the line. ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): 1. a list of key=value pairs 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd *:TCommentInline* :[range]TCommentInline[!] ?ARGS... Use the {&ft}_inline comment style. With a bang '!', always comment the line. ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): 1. a list of key=value pairs 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd *:TCommentMaybeInline* :[range]TCommentMaybeInline[!] ?ARGS... With a bang '!', always comment the line. ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): 1. a list of key=value pairs 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd *TComment_* TComment_ ... :TComment *v_TComment_* v_TComment_ ... :TCommentMaybeInline *i_TComment_* i_TComment_ ... :TComment *TComment_p* TComment_p ... m`vip:TComment`` *i_TComment_p* i_TComment_p ... :norm! m`vip:TComment`` *TComment_* TComment_ ... :TComment *i_TComment_* i_TComment_ ... :TComment *i_TComment_r* i_TComment_r ... :TCommentRight *TComment_r* TComment_r ... :TCommentRight *v_TComment_i* v_TComment_i ... :TCommentInline *TComment_i* TComment_i ... v:TCommentInline mode=I# *i_TComment_i* i_TComment_i ... v:TCommentInline mode=# *TComment_b* TComment_b ... :TCommentBlock *i_TComment_b* i_TComment_b ... :TCommentBlock mode=# *TComment_a* TComment_a ... :TCommentAs *i_TComment_a* i_TComment_a ... :TCommentAs *TComment_n* TComment_n ... :TCommentAs =&ft *i_TComment_n* i_TComment_n ... :TCommentAs =&ft *TComment_s* TComment_s ... :TCommentAs =&ft_ *i_TComment_s* i_TComment_s ... :TCommentAs =&ft_ *TComment_cc* TComment_cc ... :call tcomment#SetOption("count", v:count1) *TComment_ca* TComment_ca ... :call tcomment#SetOption("as", input("Comment as: ", &filetype, "customlist,tcomment#Complete")) *TComment___* TComment___ ... :TComment *x_TComment___* x_TComment___ ... :TCommentMaybeInline *TComment__p* TComment__p ... vip:TComment *TComment__* TComment__ ... :TComment *x_TComment__i* x_TComment__i ... :TCommentInline *TComment__r* TComment__r ... :TCommentRight *TComment__b* TComment__b ... :TCommentBlock *TComment__a* TComment__a ... :TCommentAs *TComment__n* TComment__n ... :TCommentAs =&ft *TComment__s* TComment__s ... :TCommentAs =&ft_ *x_TComment_Uncomment* x_TComment_Uncomment ... :if v:count > 0 \| call tcomment#SetOption("count", v:count) \| endif \| call tcomment#SetOption("mode_extra", "U") \| '<,'>TCommentMaybeInline *x_TComment_Comment* x_TComment_Comment ... :if v:count > 0 \| call tcomment#SetOption("count", v:count) \| endif \| '<,'>TCommentMaybeInline! *v_TComment_ic* v_TComment_ic ... :call tcomment#TextObjectInlineComment() *TComment_ic* TComment_ic ... :call tcomment#TextObjectInlineComment() *x_TComment_gc* x_TComment_gc ... :TCommentMaybeInline ======================================================================== autoload/tcomment.vim~ *g:tcomment#blank_lines* g:tcomment#blank_lines (default: 2) If 1, comment blank lines too. If 2, also comment blank lines within indented code blocks (requires mixedindent -- see |tcomment#Comment()|). *g:tcomment#rstrip_on_uncomment* g:tcomment#rstrip_on_uncomment (default: 1) If 1, remove right-hand whitespace on uncomment from empty lines. If 2, remove right-hand whitespace on uncomment from all lines. *g:tcommentModeExtra* g:tcommentModeExtra (default: '') Modifies how commenting works. > ... Move the cursor to the end of the comment >> ... Like above but move the cursor to the next line # ... Move the cursor to the position of the commented text (NOTE: this only works when creating empty comments using |:TCommentInline| from normal or insert mode and should not be set here as a global option.) *g:tcommentOpModeExtra* g:tcommentOpModeExtra (default: '') Modifies how the operator works. See |g:tcommentModeExtra| for a list of possible values. *g:tcommentOptions* g:tcommentOptions (default: {}) Other key-value options used by |tcomment#Comment()|. Example: If you want to put the opening comment marker always in the first column regardless of the block's indentation, put this into your |vimrc| file: > let g:tcommentOptions = {'col': 1} < *g:tcomment#options_comments* g:tcomment#options_comments (default: {'whitespace': get(g:tcommentOptions, 'whitespace', 'both')}) Additional args for |tcomment#Comment()| when using the 'comments' option. *g:tcomment#options_commentstring* g:tcomment#options_commentstring (default: {'whitespace': get(g:tcommentOptions, 'whitespace', 'both')}) Additional args for |tcomment#Comment()| when using the 'commentstring' option. *g:tcomment#ignore_char_type* g:tcomment#ignore_char_type (default: 1) |text-objects| for use with |tcomment#Operator| can have different types: line, block, char etc. Text objects like aB, it, at etc. have type char but this may not work reliably. By default, tcomment handles those text objects most often as if they were of type line. Set this variable to 0 in order to change this behaviour. Be prepared that the result may not always match your intentions. *g:tcommentGuessFileType* g:tcommentGuessFileType (default: 0) Guess the file type based on syntax names always or for some fileformat only If non-zero, try to guess filetypes. tcomment also checks g:tcommentGuessFileType_{&filetype} for filetype specific values. Values: 0 ... don't guess 1 ... guess FILETYPE ... assume this filetype *g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl* g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl (default: 'xml') For dsl documents, assume filetype = xml. *g:tcommentGuessFileType_php* g:tcommentGuessFileType_php (default: 'html') In php documents, the php part is usually marked as phpRegion. We thus assume that the buffers default comment style isn't php but html. *g:tcommentGuessFileType_blade* g:tcommentGuessFileType_blade (default: 'html') See |g:tcommentGuessFileType_php|. *g:tcommentGuessFileType_html* g:tcommentGuessFileType_html (default: 1) *g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton* g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton (default: 1) *g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim* g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim (default: 1) *g:tcommentGuessFileType_django* g:tcommentGuessFileType_django (default: 1) *g:tcommentGuessFileType_eruby* g:tcommentGuessFileType_eruby (default: 1) *g:tcommentGuessFileType_smarty* g:tcommentGuessFileType_smarty (default: 1) *g:tcommentGuessFileType_rnoweb* g:tcommentGuessFileType_rnoweb (default: 'r') *g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php* g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php (default: 'sql') In php files, some syntax regions are wrongly highlighted as sql markup. We thus ignore sql syntax when guessing the filetype in php files. *g:tcomment#syntax_substitute* g:tcomment#syntax_substitute (default: {...}) *g:tcommentSyntaxMap* g:tcommentSyntaxMap (default: {...}) tcomment guesses filetypes based on the name of the current syntax region. This works well if the syntax names match /filetypeSomeName/. Other syntax names have to be explicitly mapped onto the corresponding filetype. *g:tcomment#replacements_c* g:tcomment#replacements_c (default: {...}) Replacements for c filetype. *tcomment#GetLineC()* tcomment#GetLineC(...) *g:tcommentInlineC* g:tcommentInlineC (default: {...}) Generic c-like comments. *g:tcommentBlockC2* g:tcommentBlockC2 (default: {...}) Generic c-like block comments (alternative markup). *g:tcomment#replacements_xml* g:tcomment#replacements_xml (default: {...}) Replacements for xml filetype. *g:tcommentBlockXML* g:tcommentBlockXML (default: {...}) Generic xml-like block comments. *g:tcommentInlineXML* g:tcommentInlineXML (default: {...}) Generic xml-like comments. *g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def* g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def (default: []) A list of names or filetypes, which should be ignored by |tcomment#DefineType()| -- no custom comment definition will be stored for these names. This variable should be set before loading autoload/tcomment.vim. *g:tcomment#must_escape_expression_backslash* g:tcomment#must_escape_expression_backslash (default: 0) Users of vim earlier than 7.3 might have to set this variable to true. Set this variable to 0, if you see unexpected "\r" char sequences in comments. The reommended value was `!(v:version > 702 || (v:version == 702 && has('patch407')))`. It is now assumed though, that no unpatched versions of vim are in use. References: Patch 7.2.407 when using :s with an expression backslashes are dropped https://github.com/tomtom/tcomment_vim/issues/102 *tcomment#DefineType()* tcomment#DefineType(name, commentdef, ?cdef={}, ?anyway=0) If you don't explicitly define a comment style, |:TComment| will use 'commentstring' instead. We override the default values here in order to have a blank after the comment marker. Block comments work only if we explicitly define the markup. NAME usually is a 'filetype'. You can use special suffixes to define special comment types. E.g. the name "FILETYPE_block" is used for block comments for 'filetype'. The name "FILETYPE_inline" is used for inline comments. If no specialized comment definition exists, the normal one with name "FILETYPE" is used. The comment definition can be either a string or a dictionary. If it is a string: The format for block comments is similar to 'commentstrings' with the exception that the format strings for blocks can contain a second line that defines how "middle lines" (see :h format-comments) should be displayed. Example: If the string is "--%s--\n-- ", lines will be commented as "--%s--" but the middle lines in block comments will be commented as "--%s". If it is a dictionary: See the help on the args argument of |tcomment#Comment| (see item 1, args is a list of key=value pairs) to find out which fields can be used. *tcomment#GetCommentDef()* tcomment#GetCommentDef(name, ...) Return the comment definition for NAME. *b:tcomment_def_{NAME}* Return b:tcomment_def_{NAME} if the variable exists. Otherwise return the comment definition as set with |tcomment#DefineType|. *g:tcomment_types* g:tcomment_types (default: {}) A dictionary of NAME => COMMENT DEFINITION (see |tcomment#DefineType|) that can be set in vimrc to override tcomment's default comment styles. *tcomment#Comment()* tcomment#Comment(beg, end, ...) tcomment#Comment(line1, line2, ?comment_mode, ?comment_anyway, ?args...) args... are either: 1. a list of key=value pairs where known keys are (see also |g:tcommentOptions|): as=STRING ... Use a specific comment definition count=N ... Repeat the comment string N times col=N ... Start the comment at column N (in block mode; must be smaller than |indent()|) mode=STRING ... See the notes below on the "comment_mode" argument mode_extra=STRING ... Add to comment_mode begin=STRING ... Comment prefix end=STRING ... Comment postfix middle=STRING ... Middle line comments in block mode rxbeg=N ... Regexp to find the substring of "begin" that should be multiplied by "count" rxend=N ... The above for "end" rxmid=N ... The above for "middle" mixedindent=BOOL ... If true, allow use of mixed characters for indentation commentstring_rx ... A regexp format string that matches commented lines (no new groups may be introduced, the |regexp| is |\V|; % have to be doubled); "commentstring", "begin" and optionally "end" must be defined or deducible. whitespace ... Define whether commented text is surrounded with whitespace; if both ... surround with whitespace (default) left ... keep whitespace on the left right... keep whitespace on the right no ... don't use whitespace strip_whitespace ... Strip trailing whitespace: if 1 (default), strip from empty lines only, if 2, always strip whitespace; if 0, don't strip any whitespace 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentPrefix, ?commentPostfix 3. a dictionary (internal use only) comment_mode (see also ¦g:tcommentModeExtra¦): G ... guess the value of comment_mode B ... block (use extra lines for the comment markers) L ... lines i ... maybe inline, guess I ... inline R ... right (comment the line right of the cursor) v ... visual o ... operator C ... force comment K ... comment only uncommented lines U ... force uncomment (if U and C are present, U wins) By default, each line in range will be commented by adding the comment prefix and postfix. *tcomment#MaybeReuseOptions()* tcomment#MaybeReuseOptions(name) *tcomment#ResetOption()* tcomment#ResetOption() *tcomment#SetOption()* tcomment#SetOption(name, arg) *tcomment#Operator()* tcomment#Operator(type, ...) *tcomment#OperatorLine()* tcomment#OperatorLine(type) *tcomment#OperatorAnyway()* tcomment#OperatorAnyway(type) *tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway()* tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway(type) *tcomment#CommentAs()* tcomment#CommentAs(beg, end, comment_anyway, filetype, ?args...) Where args is either: 1. A count NUMBER 2. An args list (see the notes on the "args" argument of |tcomment#Comment()|) comment text as if it were of a specific filetype *tcomment#GuessCommentType()* tcomment#GuessFileType(?options={}) A function that makes the s:GuessFileType() function usable for other library developers. The argument is a dictionary with the following keys: beg ................ (default = line(".")) end ................ (default = line(".")) comment_mode ........ (default = "G") filetype ........... (default = &filetype) fallbackFiletype ... (default = "") This function return a dictionary that contains information about how to make comments. The information about the filetype of the text between lines "beg" and "end" is in the "filetype" key of the return value. It returns the first discernible filetype it encounters. *tcomment#TextObjectInlineComment()* tcomment#TextObjectInlineComment() vim:tw=78:fo=w2croql:isk=!-~,^*,^|,^":ts=8:ft=help:norl: plugin/tcomment.vim [[[1 296 " tComment.vim -- An easily extensible & universal comment plugin " @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com) " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Created: 27-Dez-2004. " @Last Change: 2014-06-30. " @Revision: 964 " GetLatestVimScripts: 1173 1 tcomment.vim if &cp || exists('loaded_tcomment') finish endif let loaded_tcomment = 305 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim if !exists('g:tcommentMaps') " If true, set maps. let g:tcommentMaps = 1 "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentMapLeader1") " g:tcommentMapLeader1 should be a shortcut that can be used with " map, imap, vmap. let g:tcommentMapLeader1 = '' "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentMapLeader2") " g:tcommentMapLeader2 should be a shortcut that can be used with " map, xmap. let g:tcommentMapLeader2 = '_' "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1") " See |tcomment-operator|. let g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 = 'gc' "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway") " See |tcomment-operator|. let g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway = 'g<' "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway") " See |tcomment-operator|. let g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway = 'g>' "{{{2 endif if !exists('g:tcommentTextObjectInlineComment') let g:tcommentTextObjectInlineComment = 'ic' "{{{2 endif " :display: :[range]TComment[!] ?ARGS... " If there is a visual selection that begins and ends in the same line, " then |:TCommentInline| is used instead. " The optional range defaults to the current line. With a bang '!', " always comment the line. " " ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): " 1. a list of key=value pairs " 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd command! -bar -bang -range -nargs=* -complete=customlist,tcomment#CompleteArgs TComment \ keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(, , 'G', "", ) " :display: :[range]TCommentAs[!] commenttype ?ARGS... " TCommentAs requires g:tcomment_{filetype} to be defined. " With a bang '!', always comment the line. " " ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): " 1. a list of key=value pairs " 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd command! -bar -bang -complete=customlist,tcomment#Complete -range -nargs=+ TCommentAs \ call tcomment#CommentAs(, , "", ) " :display: :[range]TCommentRight[!] ?ARGS... " Comment the text to the right of the cursor. If a visual selection was " made (be it block-wise or not), all lines are commented out at from " the current cursor position downwards. " With a bang '!', always comment the line. " " ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): " 1. a list of key=value pairs " 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd command! -bar -bang -range -nargs=* -complete=customlist,tcomment#CompleteArgs TCommentRight \ keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(, , 'R', "", ) " :display: :[range]TCommentBlock[!] ?ARGS... " Comment as "block", e.g. use the {&ft}_block comment style. The " commented text isn't indented or reformated. " With a bang '!', always comment the line. " " ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): " 1. a list of key=value pairs " 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd command! -bar -bang -range -nargs=* -complete=customlist,tcomment#CompleteArgs TCommentBlock \ keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(, , 'B', "", ) " :display: :[range]TCommentInline[!] ?ARGS... " Use the {&ft}_inline comment style. " With a bang '!', always comment the line. " " ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): " 1. a list of key=value pairs " 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd command! -bar -bang -range -nargs=* -complete=customlist,tcomment#CompleteArgs TCommentInline \ keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(, , 'I', "", ) " :display: :[range]TCommentMaybeInline[!] ?ARGS... " With a bang '!', always comment the line. " " ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|): " 1. a list of key=value pairs " 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd command! -bar -bang -range -nargs=* -complete=customlist,tcomment#CompleteArgs TCommentMaybeInline \ keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(, , 'i', "", ) " command! -range TCommentMap call tcomment#ResetOption() | noremap TComment_ :TComment vnoremap TComment_ :TCommentMaybeInline inoremap TComment_ :TComment noremap TComment_p m`vip:TComment`` inoremap TComment_p :norm! m`vip:TComment`` noremap TComment_ :TComment inoremap TComment_ :TComment inoremap TComment_r :TCommentRight noremap TComment_r :TCommentRight vnoremap TComment_i :TCommentInline noremap TComment_i v:TCommentInline mode=I# inoremap TComment_i v:TCommentInline mode=# noremap TComment_b :TCommentBlock inoremap TComment_b :TCommentBlock mode=# noremap TComment_a :TCommentAs inoremap TComment_a :TCommentAs noremap TComment_n :TCommentAs =&ft inoremap TComment_n :TCommentAs =&ft noremap TComment_s :TCommentAs =&ft_ inoremap TComment_s :TCommentAs =&ft_ noremap TComment_cc :call tcomment#SetOption("count", v:count1) noremap TComment_ca :call tcomment#SetOption("as", input("Comment as: ", &filetype, "customlist,tcomment#Complete")) noremap TComment___ :TComment xnoremap TComment___ :TCommentMaybeInline noremap TComment__p vip:TComment noremap TComment__ :TComment xnoremap TComment__i :TCommentInline noremap TComment__r :TCommentRight noremap TComment__b :TCommentBlock noremap TComment__a :TCommentAs noremap TComment__n :TCommentAs =&ft noremap TComment__s :TCommentAs =&ft_ " function! TCommentOp(type) "{{{3 " " TLogVAR a:type, v:count " " echom "DBG TCommentOp" g:tcomment_ex " " echom "DBG TCommentOp" g:tcomment_op " exec g:tcomment_ex " call call(g:tcomment_op, [a:type]) " endf function! s:MapOp(name, count, extra, op, invoke) "{{{3 let opfunc = 'TCommentOpFunc_'. substitute(a:name, '[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', 'G') let fn = [ \ 'function! '. opfunc .'(...)', \ 'call tcomment#MaybeReuseOptions('. string(opfunc) .')', \ a:extra, \ 'return call('. string(a:op) .', a:000)', \ 'endf' \ ] let t = @t try let @t = join(fn, "\n") @t finally let @t = t endtry let extra = empty(a:extra) ? '' : ' \| '. a:extra exec printf('nnoremap TComment_%s '. \ ':call tcomment#ResetOption() \| if v:count > 0 \| call tcomment#SetOption("count", v:count) \| endif \| let w:tcommentPos = getpos(".") \|'. \ 'set opfunc=%s%s', \ a:name, opfunc, a:invoke) endf call s:MapOp('Uncomment', '', 'call tcomment#SetOption("mode_extra", "U")', 'tcomment#OperatorAnyway', 'g@') call s:MapOp('Uncommentc', '', 'call tcomment#SetOption("mode_extra", "U")', 'tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway', 'g@$') call s:MapOp('Uncommentb', '', 'call tcomment#SetOption("mode_extra", "UB")', 'tcomment#OperatorLine', 'g@') xnoremap TComment_Uncomment :if v:count > 0 \| call tcomment#SetOption("count", v:count) \| endif \| call tcomment#SetOption("mode_extra", "U") \| '<,'>TCommentMaybeInline call s:MapOp('Comment', '', '', 'tcomment#OperatorAnyway', 'g@') call s:MapOp('Commentc', '', '', 'tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway', 'g@$') call s:MapOp('Commentb', '', 'call tcomment#SetOption("mode_extra", "B")', 'tcomment#OperatorLine', 'g@') xnoremap TComment_Comment :if v:count > 0 \| call tcomment#SetOption("count", v:count) \| endif \| '<,'>TCommentMaybeInline! vnoremap TComment_ic :call tcomment#TextObjectInlineComment() noremap TComment_ic :call tcomment#TextObjectInlineComment() call s:MapOp('gcc', '', '', 'tcomment#OperatorLine', 'g@$') call s:MapOp('gcb', '', 'call tcomment#SetOption("mode_extra", "B")', 'tcomment#OperatorLine', 'g@') xnoremap TComment_gc :TCommentMaybeInline call s:MapOp('gc', '', '', 'tcomment#Operator', 'g@') for s:i in range(1, 9) exec 'noremap TComment_' . s:i . ' :call tcomment#SetOption("count", '. s:i .')' exec 'inoremap TComment_' . s:i . ' :call tcomment#SetOption("count", '. s:i .')' exec 'vnoremap TComment_' . s:i . ' :call tcomment#SetOption("count", '. s:i .')' endfor for s:i in range(1, 9) call s:MapOp('gc' . s:i .'c', s:i, '', 'tcomment#Operator', 'g@') endfor unlet s:i delfun s:MapOp if g:tcommentMaps if g:tcommentMapLeader1 != '' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 . g:tcommentMapLeader1 .' TComment_' exec 'vmap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 . g:tcommentMapLeader1 .' TComment_' exec 'imap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 . g:tcommentMapLeader1 .' TComment_' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'p TComment_p' exec 'imap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'p TComment_p' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .' TComment_' exec 'imap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .' TComment_' exec 'imap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'r TComment_r' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'r TComment_r' exec 'vmap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'i TComment_i' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'i TComment_i' exec 'imap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'i TComment_i' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'b TComment_b' exec 'imap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'b TComment_b' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'a TComment_a' exec 'imap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'a TComment_a' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'n TComment_n' exec 'imap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'n TComment_n' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'s TComment_s' exec 'imap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'s TComment_s' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'cc TComment_cc' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'ca TComment_ca' for s:i in range(1, 9) exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 . s:i .' TComment_'.s:i exec 'imap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 . s:i .' TComment_'.s:i exec 'vmap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 . s:i .' TComment_'.s:i endfor unlet s:i endif if g:tcommentMapLeader2 != '' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'_ TComment___' exec 'xmap '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'_ TComment___' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'p TComment__p' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .' TComment__' exec 'xmap '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'i TComment__i' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'r TComment__r' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'b TComment__b' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'a TComment__a' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'n TComment__n' exec 'map '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'s TComment__s' endif if g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 != '' exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 .' TComment_gc' for s:i in range(1, 9) exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 . s:i .' TComment_gc'.s:i exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 . s:i .'c TComment_gc'.s:i.'c' endfor unlet s:i exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 .'c TComment_gcc' exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 .'b TComment_gcb' exec 'xmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 .' TComment_gc' endif if g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway != '' exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway .' TComment_Uncomment' exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway .'c TComment_Uncommentc' exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway .'b TComment_Uncommentb' exec 'xmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderUncommentAnyway .' TComment_Uncomment' endif if g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway != '' exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway .' TComment_Comment' exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway .'c TComment_Commentc' exec 'nmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway .'b TComment_Commentb' exec 'xmap '. g:tcommentMapLeaderCommentAnyway .' TComment_Comment' endif if g:tcommentTextObjectInlineComment != '' exec 'vmap' g:tcommentTextObjectInlineComment ' TComment_ic' exec 'omap' g:tcommentTextObjectInlineComment ' TComment_ic' endif endif let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vi: ft=vim:tw=72:ts=4:fo=w2croql autoload/tcomment.vim [[[1 2151 " @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim]) " @Website: https://www.vim8.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037 " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Created: 2007-09-17. " @Last Change: 2014-12-16. " @Revision: 1760 " call tlog#Log('Load: '. expand('')) " vimtlib-sfile if !exists("g:tcomment#blank_lines") " If 1, comment blank lines too. " If 2, also comment blank lines within indented code blocks " (requires mixedindent -- see |tcomment#Comment()|). let g:tcomment#blank_lines = 2 "{{{2 endif if !exists('g:tcomment#rstrip_on_uncomment') " If 1, remove right-hand whitespace on uncomment from empty lines. " If 2, remove right-hand whitespace on uncomment from all lines. let g:tcomment#rstrip_on_uncomment = 1 "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentModeExtra") " Modifies how commenting works. " > ... Move the cursor to the end of the comment " >> ... Like above but move the cursor to the next line " # ... Move the cursor to the position of the commented text " (NOTE: this only works when creating empty comments using " |:TCommentInline| from normal or insert mode and should " not be set here as a global option.) let g:tcommentModeExtra = '' "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentOpModeExtra") " Modifies how the operator works. " See |g:tcommentModeExtra| for a list of possible values. let g:tcommentOpModeExtra = '' "{{{2 endif if !exists('g:tcommentOptions') " Other key-value options used by |tcomment#Comment()|. " " Example: If you want to put the opening comment marker always in " the first column regardless of the block's indentation, put this " into your |vimrc| file: > " let g:tcommentOptions = {'col': 1} let g:tcommentOptions = {} "{{{2 endif if !exists('g:tcomment#options_comments') " Additional args for |tcomment#Comment()| when using the 'comments' " option. let g:tcomment#options_comments = {'whitespace': get(g:tcommentOptions, 'whitespace', 'both')} "{{{2 endif if !exists('g:tcomment#options_commentstring') " Additional args for |tcomment#Comment()| when using the " 'commentstring' option. let g:tcomment#options_commentstring = {'whitespace': get(g:tcommentOptions, 'whitespace', 'both')} "{{{2 endif if !exists('g:tcomment#ignore_char_type') " |text-objects| for use with |tcomment#Operator| can have different " types: line, block, char etc. Text objects like aB, it, at etc. " have type char but this may not work reliably. By default, " tcomment handles those text objects most often as if they were of " type line. Set this variable to 0 in order to change this " behaviour. Be prepared that the result may not always match your " intentions. let g:tcomment#ignore_char_type = 1 "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType") " Guess the file type based on syntax names always or for some fileformat only " If non-zero, try to guess filetypes. " tcomment also checks g:tcommentGuessFileType_{&filetype} for " filetype specific values. " " Values: " 0 ... don't guess " 1 ... guess " FILETYPE ... assume this filetype let g:tcommentGuessFileType = 0 "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl") " For dsl documents, assume filetype = xml. let g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl = 'xml' "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_php") " In php documents, the php part is usually marked as phpRegion. We " thus assume that the buffers default comment style isn't php but " html. let g:tcommentGuessFileType_php = 'html' "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_blade") " See |g:tcommentGuessFileType_php|. let g:tcommentGuessFileType_blade = 'html' "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_html") let g:tcommentGuessFileType_html = 1 "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton") let g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton = 1 "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim") let g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim = 1 "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_django") let g:tcommentGuessFileType_django = 1 "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_eruby") let g:tcommentGuessFileType_eruby = 1 "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_smarty") let g:tcommentGuessFileType_smarty = 1 "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_rnoweb") let g:tcommentGuessFileType_rnoweb = 'r' "{{{2 endif if !exists("g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php") " In php files, some syntax regions are wrongly highlighted as sql " markup. We thus ignore sql syntax when guessing the filetype in " php files. let g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php = 'sql' "{{{2 endif if !exists('g:tcomment#syntax_substitute') " :read: let g:tcomment#syntax_substitute = {...} "{{{2 " Perform replacements on the syntax name. let g:tcomment#syntax_substitute = { \ '\C^javaScript\ze\(\u\|$\)': {'sub': 'javascript'}, \ '\C^js\ze\(\u\|$\)': {'sub': 'javascript'} \ } endif if !exists('g:tcomment#filetype_map') " Keys must match the full |filetype|. Regexps must be |magic|. No " regexp modifiers (like |\V|) are allowed. " let g:tcomment#filetype_map = {...} "{{{2 let g:tcomment#filetype_map = { \ 'rails-views': 'html', \ 'mkd': 'html', \ } endif if !exists('g:tcommentSyntaxMap') " tcomment guesses filetypes based on the name of the current syntax " region. This works well if the syntax names match " /filetypeSomeName/. Other syntax names have to be explicitly " mapped onto the corresponding filetype. " :read: let g:tcommentSyntaxMap = {...} "{{{2 let g:tcommentSyntaxMap = { \ 'erubyExpression': 'ruby', \ 'vimMzSchemeRegion': 'scheme', \ 'vimPerlRegion': 'perl', \ 'vimPythonRegion': 'python', \ 'vimRubyRegion': 'ruby', \ 'vimTclRegion': 'tcl', \ 'Delimiter': { \ 'filetype': { \ 'php': 'php', \ }, \ }, \ 'phpRegionDelimiter': { \ 'prevnonblank': [ \ {'match': '', 'filetype': 'html'}, \ ], \ 'nextnonblank': [ \ {'match': '?>', 'filetype': 'php'}, \ {'match': '#', \ } endif if !exists("g:tcommentLineC_fmt") " Generic c-like block comments. let g:tcommentLineC_fmt = { \ 'commentstring_rx': '\%%(// %s\|/* %s */\)', \ 'commentstring': '/* %s */', \ 'rxbeg': '\*\+', \ 'rxend': '', \ 'rxmid': '', \ 'replacements': g:tcomment#replacements_c \ } endif function! tcomment#GetLineC(...) let cmt = deepcopy(g:tcommentLineC_fmt) if a:0 >= 1 let cmt.commentstring = a:1 endif return cmt endf if !exists("g:tcommentInlineC") " Generic c-like comments. " :read: let g:tcommentInlineC = {...} "{{{2 let g:tcommentInlineC = tcomment#GetLineC() endif if !exists("g:tcommentBlockC") let g:tcommentBlockC = { \ 'commentstring': '/*%s */', \ 'middle': ' * ', \ 'rxbeg': '\*\+', \ 'rxend': '', \ 'rxmid': '', \ 'replacements': g:tcomment#replacements_c \ } endif if !exists("g:tcommentBlockC2") " Generic c-like block comments (alternative markup). " :read: let g:tcommentBlockC2 = {...} "{{{2 let g:tcommentBlockC2 = { \ 'commentstring': '/**%s */', \ 'middle': ' * ', \ 'rxbeg': '\*\+', \ 'rxend': '\*\+', \ 'rxmid': '\*\+', \ 'replacements': g:tcomment#replacements_c \ } endif if !exists('g:tcomment#replacements_xml') " Replacements for xml filetype. " :read: let g:tcomment#replacements_xml = {...} "{{{2 let g:tcomment#replacements_xml = { \ '-': '-', \ '&': '&', \ } endif if !exists("g:tcommentBlockXML") " Generic xml-like block comments. " :read: let g:tcommentBlockXML = {...} "{{{2 let g:tcommentBlockXML = { \ 'commentstring': "\n ", \ 'replacements': g:tcomment#replacements_xml \ } endif if !exists("g:tcommentInlineXML") " Generic xml-like comments. " :read: let g:tcommentInlineXML = {...} "{{{2 let g:tcommentInlineXML = { \ 'commentstring': "", \ 'replacements': g:tcomment#replacements_xml \ } endif if !exists('g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def') " A list of names or filetypes, which should be ignored by " |tcomment#DefineType()| -- no custom comment definition will be " stored for these names. " " This variable should be set before loading autoload/tcomment.vim. let g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def = [] "{{{2 endif if !exists('g:tcomment#must_escape_expression_backslash') " Users of vim earlier than 7.3 might have to set this variable to " true. Set this variable to 0, if you see unexpected "\r" char " sequences in comments. " " The reommended value was `!(v:version > 702 || (v:version == 702 && has('patch407')))`. " It is now assumed though, that no unpatched versions of vim are in " use. " " References: " Patch 7.2.407 when using :s with an expression backslashes are dropped " https://github.com/tomtom/tcomment_vim/issues/102 let g:tcomment#must_escape_expression_backslash = 0 "{{{2 endif let s:types_dirty = 1 let s:definitions = {} " If you don't explicitly define a comment style, |:TComment| will use " 'commentstring' instead. We override the default values here in order " to have a blank after the comment marker. Block comments work only if " we explicitly define the markup. " " NAME usually is a 'filetype'. You can use special suffixes to define " special comment types. E.g. the name "FILETYPE_block" is used for " block comments for 'filetype'. The name "FILETYPE_inline" is used for " inline comments. If no specialized comment definition exists, the " normal one with name "FILETYPE" is used. " " The comment definition can be either a string or a dictionary. " " If it is a string: " The format for block comments is similar to 'commentstrings' with the " exception that the format strings for blocks can contain a second line " that defines how "middle lines" (see :h format-comments) should be " displayed. " " Example: If the string is "--%s--\n-- ", lines will be commented as " "--%s--" but the middle lines in block comments will be commented as " "--%s". " " If it is a dictionary: " See the help on the args argument of |tcomment#Comment| (see item 1, " args is a list of key=value pairs) to find out which fields can be " used. " :display: tcomment#DefineType(name, commentdef, ?cdef={}, ?anyway=0) function! tcomment#DefineType(name, commentdef, ...) let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+') let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0 " TLogVAR a:name, use if use if type(a:commentdef) == 4 let cdef = copy(a:commentdef) else let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {} let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef endif let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef endif let s:types_dirty = 1 endf " Return the comment definition for NAME. " *b:tcomment_def_{NAME}* " Return b:tcomment_def_{NAME} if the variable exists. Otherwise return " the comment definition as set with |tcomment#DefineType|. function! tcomment#GetCommentDef(name, ...) if exists('b:tcomment_def_'. a:name) return b:tcomment_def_{a:name} else return get(s:definitions, a:name, a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : '') endif endf " :nodoc: " Return 1 if a comment type is defined. function! tcomment#TypeExists(name, ...) let comment_mode = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : '' let name = a:name if comment_mode =~? 'b' let name .= '_block' elseif comment_mode =~? 'i' let name .= '_inline' endif return has_key(s:definitions, name) ? name : '' endf call tcomment#DefineType('aap', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('ada', '-- %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('autohotkey', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('apache', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('applescript', '(* %s *)' ) call tcomment#DefineType('applescript_block',"(*%s*)\n" ) call tcomment#DefineType('applescript_inline','(* %s *)' ) call tcomment#DefineType('asciidoc', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('asm', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('asterisk', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('blade', '{{-- %s --}}' ) call tcomment#DefineType('blade_block', '{{-- %s --}}' ) call tcomment#DefineType('blade_inline', '{{-- %s --}}' ) call tcomment#DefineType('c', tcomment#GetLineC()) call tcomment#DefineType('c_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('c_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('catalog', '-- %s --' ) call tcomment#DefineType('catalog_block', "--%s--\n " ) call tcomment#DefineType('cfg', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('chromemanifest', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('clojure', {'commentstring': '; %s', 'count': 2}) call tcomment#DefineType('clojure_inline', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('clojurescript', ';; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('clojurescript_inline', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('cmake', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('coffee', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('conf', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('context', '%% %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('conkyrc', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('cpp', tcomment#GetLineC('// %s')) call tcomment#DefineType('cpp_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('cpp_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('cram', {'col': 1, 'commentstring': '# %s' }) call tcomment#DefineType('crontab', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('cs', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('cs_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('cs_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('css', '/* %s */' ) call tcomment#DefineType('css_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('css_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('debcontrol', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('debsources', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('desktop', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('dnsmasq', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('docbk', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('docbk_block', g:tcommentBlockXML ) call tcomment#DefineType('docbk_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('dosbatch', 'rem %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('dosini', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('dsl', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('dustjs', '{! %s !}' ) call tcomment#DefineType('dylan', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('eiffel', '-- %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('elixir', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('erlang', '%%%% %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('eruby', '<%%# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('esmtprc', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('expect', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('form', {'commentstring': '* %s', 'col': 1}) call tcomment#DefineType('fstab', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('gitconfig', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('gitcommit', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('gitignore', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('gnuplot', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('go', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('go_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('go_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('groovy', tcomment#GetLineC('// %s')) call tcomment#DefineType('groovy_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('groovy_doc_block', g:tcommentBlockC2 ) call tcomment#DefineType('groovy_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('gtkrc', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('haml', '-# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('haskell', '-- %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('haskell_block', "{-%s-}\n " ) call tcomment#DefineType('haskell_inline', '{- %s -}' ) call tcomment#DefineType('html', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('html_block', g:tcommentBlockXML ) call tcomment#DefineType('html_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('htmldjango', '{# %s #}' ) call tcomment#DefineType('htmldjango_block', "{%% comment %%}%s{%% endcomment %%}\n ") call tcomment#DefineType('htmljinja', '{# %s #}' ) call tcomment#DefineType('htmljinja_block', "{%% comment %%}%s{%% endcomment %%}\n ") call tcomment#DefineType('hy', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('ini', '; %s' ) " php ini (/etc/php5/...) call tcomment#DefineType('io', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('jade', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('jasmine', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('java', tcomment#GetLineC()) call tcomment#DefineType('java_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('java_doc_block', g:tcommentBlockC2 ) call tcomment#DefineType('java_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('javascript', tcomment#GetLineC('// %s')) call tcomment#DefineType('javascript_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('javascript_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('jproperties', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('lilypond', '%% %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('lisp', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('liquid', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('liquid_block', g:tcommentBlockXML ) call tcomment#DefineType('liquid_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('lua', '-- %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('lua_block', "--[[%s--]]\n" ) call tcomment#DefineType('lua_inline', '--[[%s --]]' ) call tcomment#DefineType('lynx', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('m4', 'dnl %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('mail', '> %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('matlab', '%% %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('monkey', ''' %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('msidl', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('msidl_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('nginx', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('nroff', '.\\" %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('noweb', '%% %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('nsis', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('objc', '/* %s */' ) call tcomment#DefineType('objc_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('objc_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('objcpp', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('ocaml', '(* %s *)' ) call tcomment#DefineType('ocaml_block', "(*%s*)\n " ) call tcomment#DefineType('ocaml_inline', '(* %s *)' ) call tcomment#DefineType('pac', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('pascal', '(* %s *)' ) call tcomment#DefineType('pascal_block', "(*%s*)\n " ) call tcomment#DefineType('pascal_inline', '(* %s *)' ) call tcomment#DefineType('perl', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('perl_block', "=cut%s=cut" ) call tcomment#DefineType('pfmain', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('php', {'commentstring_rx': '\%%(//\|#\) %s', 'commentstring': '// %s'}) call tcomment#DefineType('php_2_block', g:tcommentBlockC2 ) call tcomment#DefineType('php_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('php_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('po', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('prolog', '%% %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('puppet', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('purescript', '-- %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('purescript_block', "{-%s-}\n " ) call tcomment#DefineType('purescript_inline','{- %s -}' ) call tcomment#DefineType('python', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('qml', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('r', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('racket', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('racket_block', '#|%s|#' ) call tcomment#DefineType('rc', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('readline', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('remind', {'commentstring_rx': '\[;#] %s', 'commentstring': '# %s'}) call tcomment#DefineType('resolv', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('robots', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('ruby', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('ruby_3', '### %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('ruby_block', "=begin rdoc%s=end") call tcomment#DefineType('ruby_nodoc_block', "=begin%s=end" ) call tcomment#DefineType('samba', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('sbs', "' %s" ) call tcomment#DefineType('scala', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('scala_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('scala_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('scheme', '; %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('scheme_block', '#|%s|#' ) call tcomment#DefineType('scss', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('scss_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('scss_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('sed', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('sgml', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('sgml_block', g:tcommentBlockXML ) call tcomment#DefineType('sgml_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('sh', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('slim', '/%s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('sls', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('smarty', '{* %s *}' ) call tcomment#DefineType('spec', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('sps', '* %s.' ) call tcomment#DefineType('sps_block', "* %s." ) call tcomment#DefineType('spss', '* %s.' ) call tcomment#DefineType('spss_block', "* %s." ) call tcomment#DefineType('sql', '-- %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('squid', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('sshconfig', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('sshdconfig', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('st', '" %s "' ) call tcomment#DefineType('tcl', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('tex', '%% %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('tpl', '' ) call tcomment#DefineType('typoscript', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('upstart', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('vader', {'col': 1, 'commentstring': '" %s' }) call tcomment#DefineType('vhdl', '-- %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('verilog', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('verilog_inline', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('verilog_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('verilog_systemverilog', '// %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('verilog_systemverilog_block', g:tcommentBlockC) call tcomment#DefineType('verilog_systemverilog_inline', g:tcommentInlineC) call tcomment#DefineType('viki', '%% %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('viki_3', '%%%%%% %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('viki_inline', '{cmt: %s}' ) call tcomment#DefineType('vim', '" %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('vim_3', '""" %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('vimwiki', '%%%% %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('websec', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('x86conf', '# %s' ) call tcomment#DefineType('xml', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('xml_block', g:tcommentBlockXML ) call tcomment#DefineType('xml_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('xs', g:tcommentInlineC ) call tcomment#DefineType('xs_block', g:tcommentBlockC ) call tcomment#DefineType('xslt', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('xslt_block', g:tcommentBlockXML ) call tcomment#DefineType('xslt_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML) call tcomment#DefineType('yaml', '# %s' ) " :doc: " A dictionary of NAME => COMMENT DEFINITION (see |tcomment#DefineType|) " that can be set in vimrc to override tcomment's default comment " styles. " :read: let g:tcomment_types = {} "{{{2 if exists('g:tcomment_types') for [s:name, s:def] in items(g:tcomment_types) call tcomment#DefineType(s:name, s:def) endfor unlet! s:name s:def endif function! s:DefaultValue(option) exec 'let '. a:option .' = &'. a:option exec 'set '. a:option .'&' exec 'let default = &'. a:option exec 'let &'. a:option .' = '. a:option return default endf function! s:Count(string, rx) return len(split(a:string, a:rx, 1)) - 1 endf function! s:Printf1(fmt, expr) let n = s:Count(a:fmt, '%\@= 1 ? a:1 : 'G'), g:tcommentModeExtra, a:beg, a:end) let comment_mode = comment_mode0 let comment_anyway = a:0 >= 2 ? (a:2 == '!') : 0 " TLogVAR a:beg, a:end, comment_mode, comment_anyway, a:000 " save the cursor position if exists('w:tcomment_pos') let s:current_pos = copy(w:tcomment_pos) else let s:current_pos = getpos('.') endif " echom "DBG current_pos=" string(s:current_pos) let cursor_pos = getpos("'>") " TLogVAR cursor_pos let s:cursor_pos = [] if comment_mode =~# 'i' let blnum = line("'<") if blnum == line("'>") if virtcol('.') <= indent(blnum) let i_mode = 'G' else let i_mode = 'I' endif else let i_mode = 'G' endif let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\Ci', i_mode, 'g') " TLogVAR 1, comment_mode endif let [lbeg, cbeg, lend, cend] = s:GetStartEnd(a:beg, a:end, comment_mode) " TLogVAR lbeg, cbeg, lend, cend, virtcol('$') if comment_mode ==? 'I' && comment_mode0 =~# 'i' && lbeg == lend && cend >= virtcol('$') - 1 let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\CI', cbeg <= 1 ? 'G' : 'R', 'g') " TLogVAR comment_mode endif let mode_extra = s:GetTempOption('mode_extra', '') " TLogVAR mode_extra if !empty(mode_extra) let comment_mode = s:AddModeExtra(comment_mode, mode_extra, lbeg, lend) " TLogVAR "mode_extra", comment_mode unlet s:temp_options.mode_extra endif " get the correct commentstring let cdef = copy(g:tcommentOptions) " TLogVAR 1, cdef if exists('b:tcommentOptions') let cdef = extend(cdef, copy(b:tcommentOptions)) " TLogVAR 2, cdef endif if a:0 >= 3 && type(a:3) == 4 call extend(cdef, a:3) " TLogVAR 3, cdef else let cdef0 = s:GetCommentDefinition(lbeg, lend, comment_mode) " TLogVAR 4.1, cdef, cdef0 call extend(cdef, cdef0) " TLogVAR 4.2, cdef let ax = 3 if a:0 >= 3 && a:3 != '' && stridx(a:3, '=') == -1 let ax = 4 let cdef.begin = a:3 if a:0 >= 4 && a:4 != '' && stridx(a:4, '=') == -1 let ax = 5 let cdef.end = a:4 endif endif " TLogVAR ax, a:0, a:000 if a:0 >= ax " let cdef = extend(cdef, s:ParseArgs(lbeg, lend, comment_mode, a:000[ax - 1 : -1])) let cdef = s:ExtendCDef(lbeg, lend, comment_mode, cdef, s:ParseArgs(lbeg, lend, comment_mode, a:000[ax - 1 : -1])) " TLogVAR 5, cdef endif if !empty(get(cdef, 'begin', '')) || !empty(get(cdef, 'end', '')) let cdef.commentstring = s:EncodeCommentPart(get(cdef, 'begin', '')) \ . '%s' \ . s:EncodeCommentPart(get(cdef, 'end', '')) endif let comment_mode = cdef.mode " TLogVAR 2, comment_mode endif if empty(comment_mode) echohl WarningMsg echo "TComment: Comment mode is not supported for the current filetype" echohl NONE return endif if exists('s:temp_options') let cdef = s:ExtendCDef(lbeg, lend, comment_mode, cdef, s:temp_options) " TLogVAR 6, cdef " echom "DBG s:temp_options" string(s:temp_options) unlet s:temp_options endif " TLogVAR 7, cdef if has_key(cdef, 'whitespace') call s:SetWhitespaceMode(cdef) endif if !empty(filter(['count', 'cbeg', 'cend', 'cmid'], 'has_key(cdef, v:val)')) call s:RepeatCommentstring(cdef) endif " echom "DBG" string(a:000) let cms0 = s:BlockGetCommentRx(cdef) " TLogVAR cms0 "" make whitespace optional; this conflicts with comments that require some "" whitespace let cmt_check = substitute(cms0, '\([ ]\)', '\1\\?', 'g') "" turn commentstring into a search pattern " TLogVAR cmt_check let cmt_check = s:Printf1(cmt_check, '\(\_.\{-}\)') " TLogVAR cdef, cmt_check let s:cdef = cdef " set comment_mode let [lbeg, lend, uncomment] = s:CommentDef(lbeg, lend, cmt_check, comment_mode, cbeg, cend) " TLogVAR lbeg, lend, cbeg, cend, uncomment, comment_mode if uncomment if comment_mode =~# 'C' || comment_anyway let comment_do = 'c' else let comment_do = 'u' endif else if comment_mode =~# 'U' let comment_do = 'u' elseif comment_mode =~# 'K' let comment_do = 'k' else let comment_do = 'c' endif endif " TLogVAR comment_anyway, comment_mode, mode_extra, comment_do " " echom "DBG" string(s:cdef) " let cbeg = get(s:cdef, 'col', cbeg) " TLogVAR cbeg " go " TLogVAR comment_mode if comment_mode =~# 'B' " We want a comment block call s:CommentBlock(lbeg, lend, cbeg, cend, comment_mode, comment_do, cmt_check, s:cdef) else " We want commented lines " final search pattern for uncommenting let cmt_check = '\V\^\(\s\{-}\)'. cmt_check .'\$' " let cmt_check = escape(cmt_check, '"/\') " final pattern for commenting let cmt_replace = s:GetCommentReplace(s:cdef, cms0) " TLogVAR cmt_replace " TLogVAR comment_mode, lbeg, cbeg, lend, cend let s:processline_lnum = lbeg let end_rx = s:EndPosRx(comment_mode, lend, cend) let postfix_rx = end_rx == '\$' ? '' : '\.\*\$' let prefix_rx = '\^\.\{-}' . s:StartPosRx(comment_mode, lbeg, cbeg) let comment_rx = '\V' \ . '\('. prefix_rx . '\)' \ .'\(' \ .'\(\_.\{-}\)' \ . end_rx \ .'\)' \ .'\(' . postfix_rx . '\)' " TLogVAR comment_rx, prefix_rx, end_rx, postfix_rx " let @x = comment_rx " DBG for lnum in range(lbeg, lend) let line0 = getline(lnum) " TLogVAR line0 let lmatch = matchlist(line0, comment_rx) " TLogVAR lmatch if empty(lmatch) && g:tcomment#blank_lines >= 2 let lline0 = s:Strdisplaywidth(line0) " TLogVAR lline0, cbeg if lline0 < cbeg let line0 = line0 . repeat(' ', cbeg - lline0) let lmatch = [line0, line0, '', '', ''] " TLogVAR 'padded', line0, lmatch endif endif if !empty(lmatch) let [part1, ok] = s:ProcessLine(comment_do, lmatch[2], cmt_check, cmt_replace) " TLogVAR part1, ok if ok let line1 = lmatch[1] . part1 . lmatch[4] if comment_do ==# 'u' && g:tcomment#rstrip_on_uncomment > 0 if g:tcomment#rstrip_on_uncomment == 2 || line1 !~ '\S' let line1 = substitute(line1, '\s\+$', '', '') endif endif " TLogVAR line1 call setline(lnum, line1) endif endif endfor endif " reposition cursor " TLogVAR 3, comment_mode " echom "DBG s:cursor_pos" string(s:cursor_pos) if !empty(s:cursor_pos) let cursor_pos = s:cursor_pos endif if comment_mode =~ '>' call setpos('.', cursor_pos) if comment_mode !~ 'i' && comment_mode =~ '>>' norm! l^ endif elseif comment_mode =~ '#' call setpos('.', cursor_pos) if exists('w:tcomment_pos') let w:tcomment_pos = cursor_pos endif else call setpos('.', s:current_pos) endif unlet! s:cursor_pos s:current_pos s:cdef endf if v:version >= 703 function! s:Strdisplaywidth(...) "{{{3 return call('strdisplaywidth', a:000) endf else function! s:Strdisplaywidth(string, ...) "{{{3 " NOTE: Col argument is ignored return strlen(substitute(a:string, ".", "x", "g")) endf endif function! tcomment#MaybeReuseOptions(name) "{{{3 if exists('s:options_cache') && get(s:options_cache, 'name', '') == a:name if exists('s:temp_options') let s:temp_options = extend(deepcopy(s:options_cache.options), s:temp_options) let s:options_cache = {'name': a:name, 'options': s:temp_options} else let s:temp_options = deepcopy(s:options_cache.options) endif elseif exists('s:temp_options') let s:options_cache = {'name': a:name, 'options': s:temp_options} endif endf function! s:GetTempOption(name, default) "{{{3 if exists('s:temp_options') && has_key(s:temp_options, a:name) return s:temp_options[a:name] else return a:default endif endf function! tcomment#ResetOption() "{{{3 unlet! s:temp_options s:options_cache endf function! tcomment#SetOption(name, arg) "{{{3 " TLogVAR a:name, a:arg if !exists('s:temp_options') let s:temp_options = {} endif " if index(['count', 'as'], a:name) != -1 if empty(a:arg) if has_key(s:temp_options, a:name) call remove(s:temp_options, a:name) endif else let s:temp_options[a:name] = a:arg endif " endif endf function! s:GetStartEnd(beg, end, comment_mode) "{{{3 " TLogVAR a:beg, a:end, a:comment_mode if type(a:beg) == 3 let [lbeg, cbeg] = a:beg let [lend, cend] = a:end else let lbeg = a:beg let lend = a:end let comment_mode = a:comment_mode " TLogVAR comment_mode if comment_mode =~# 'R' let cbeg = virtcol('.') let cend = virtcol('$') let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\CR', 'G', 'g') " TLogVAR 'R', cbeg, cend, comment_mode elseif comment_mode =~# 'I' let cbeg = virtcol("'<") if cbeg == 0 let cbeg = virtcol('.') endif let cend = virtcol("'>") if cend < virtcol('$') && (comment_mode =~# 'o' || &selection == 'inclusive') let cend += 1 " TLogVAR cend, virtcol('$') endif " TLogVAR 'I', cbeg, cend, comment_mode else let cbeg = -1 let cend = 0 for lnum in range(a:beg, a:end) if getline(lnum) =~ '\S' let indentwidth = indent(lnum) " TLogVAR cbeg, lnum, indentwidth, getline(lnum) if cbeg == -1 || indentwidth < cbeg let cbeg = indentwidth endif endif endfor if cbeg == -1 let cbeg = 0 endif endif endif " TLogVAR lbeg, cbeg, lend, cend if lend < lbeg || (lend == lbeg && cend > 0 && cend < cbeg) return [lend, cend, lbeg, cbeg] else return [lbeg, cbeg, lend, cend] endif endf function! s:SetWhitespaceMode(cdef) "{{{3 let mode = a:cdef.whitespace let cms = s:BlockGetCommentString(a:cdef) let mid = s:BlockGetMiddleString(a:cdef) let cms0 = cms let mid0 = mid " TLogVAR mode, cms, mid if mode =~ '^\(n\%[o]\|l\%[eft]\|r\%[ight]\)$' " Remove whitespace on the left if mode =~ '^n\%[o]$' || mode =~ '^r\%[ight]$' let cms = substitute(cms, '\s\+\ze%\@= 1 ? a:1 : '' let bang = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : '' " TLogVAR type, comment_mode, bang if !exists('w:tcomment_pos') let w:tcomment_pos = getpos(".") endif let sel_save = &selection set selection=inclusive let reg_save = @@ try if type == 'line' silent exe "normal! '[V']" let comment_mode1 = 'G' elseif type == 'block' silent exe "normal! `[\`]" let comment_mode1 = 'I' elseif type == 'char' silent exe "normal! `[v`]" let comment_mode1 = 'I' else silent exe "normal! `[v`]" let comment_mode1 = 'i' endif if empty(comment_mode) let comment_mode = comment_mode1 endif let lbeg = line("'[") let lend = line("']") let cend = virtcol("']") if type == 'char' if lbeg == lend && cend >= virtcol('$') - 1 let comment_mode = 'R' elseif g:tcomment#ignore_char_type && lbeg != lend silent exe "normal! '[V']" let cend = virtcol("']") let comment_mode = 'G' let type = 'line' endif endif let cbeg = virtcol("'[") " TLogVAR comment_mode, comment_mode1, lbeg, lend, cbeg, cend, virtcol('$') " TLogVAR comment_mode " echom "DBG tcomment#Operator" lbeg virtcol("'[") virtcol("'<") lend virtcol("']") virtcol("'>") norm!  let comment_mode = s:AddModeExtra(comment_mode, g:tcommentOpModeExtra, lbeg, lend) " TLogVAR comment_mode, type " if type =~ 'line\|block' || g:tcomment#ignore_char_type " if comment_mode =~# '[R]' " call tcomment#Comment([lbeg, cbeg], [lend, cend], comment_mode.'o', bang) " elseif type =~ 'line\|block' || g:tcomment#ignore_char_type if type =~ 'line\|block' call tcomment#Comment(lbeg, lend, comment_mode.'o', bang) else call tcomment#Comment([lbeg, cbeg], [lend, cend], comment_mode.'o', bang) endif finally let &selection = sel_save let @@ = reg_save " TLogVAR g:tcommentOpModeExtra if g:tcommentOpModeExtra !~ '[#>]' if exists('w:tcomment_pos') " TLogVAR w:tcomment_pos if w:tcomment_pos != getpos('.') call setpos('.', w:tcomment_pos) endif unlet! w:tcomment_pos else echohl WarningMsg echom "TComment: w:tcomment_pos wasn't set. Please report this to the plugin author" echohl NONE endif endif endtry endf function! tcomment#OperatorLine(type) "{{{3 " TLogVAR a:type call tcomment#Operator('line', 'L') endf function! tcomment#OperatorAnyway(type) "{{{3 " TLogVAR a:type call tcomment#Operator(a:type, '', '!') endf function! tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway(type) "{{{3 " TLogVAR a:type call tcomment#Operator('line', 'L', '!') endf " :display: tcomment#CommentAs(beg, end, comment_anyway, filetype, ?args...) " Where args is either: " 1. A count NUMBER " 2. An args list (see the notes on the "args" argument of " |tcomment#Comment()|) " comment text as if it were of a specific filetype function! tcomment#CommentAs(beg, end, comment_anyway, filetype, ...) if a:filetype =~ '_block$' let comment_mode = 'B' let ft = substitute(a:filetype, '_block$', '', '') elseif a:filetype =~ '_inline$' let comment_mode = 'I' let ft = substitute(a:filetype, '_inline$', '', '') else let comment_mode = 'G' let ft = a:filetype endif if a:0 >= 1 if type(a:1) == 0 let cdef = {'count': a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 1} else let cdef = s:ParseArgs(a:beg, a:end, comment_mode, a:000) endif else let cdef = {} endif " echom "DBG" string(cdef) call extend(cdef, s:GetCommentDefinitionForType(a:beg, a:end, comment_mode, ft)) keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(a:beg, a:end, comment_mode, a:comment_anyway, cdef) endf " collect all known comment types " :nodoc: function! tcomment#CollectFileTypes() if s:types_dirty let s:types = keys(s:definitions) let s:types_rx = '\V\^\('. join(s:types, '\|') .'\)\(\u\.\*\)\?\$' let s:types_dirty = 0 endif endf call tcomment#CollectFileTypes() " return a list of filetypes for which a tcomment_{&ft} is defined " :nodoc: function! tcomment#Complete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) "{{{3 call tcomment#CollectFileTypes() let completions = copy(s:types) let filetype = s:Filetype() if index(completions, filetype) != -1 " TLogVAR filetype call insert(completions, filetype) endif if !empty(a:ArgLead) call filter(completions, 'v:val =~ ''\V\^''.a:ArgLead') endif let completions += tcomment#CompleteArgs(a:ArgLead, a:CmdLine, a:CursorPos) return completions endf let s:first_completion = 0 " :nodoc: function! tcomment#CompleteArgs(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) "{{{3 if v:version < 703 && !s:first_completion redraw let s:first_completion = 1 endif let completions = ['as=', 'col=', 'count=', 'mode=', 'begin=', 'end=', 'rxbeg=', 'rxend=', 'rxmid='] if !empty(a:ArgLead) if a:ArgLead =~ '^as=' call tcomment#CollectFileTypes() let completions += map(copy(s:types), '"as=". v:val') endif call filter(completions, 'v:val =~ ''\V\^''.a:ArgLead') endif return completions endf function! s:EncodeCommentPart(string) return substitute(a:string, '%', '%%', 'g') endf function! s:GetCommentDefinitionForType(beg, end, comment_mode, filetype) "{{{3 let cdef = s:GetCommentDefinition(a:beg, a:end, a:comment_mode, a:filetype) " TLogVAR cdef let cms = cdef.commentstring let comment_mode = cdef.mode let pre = substitute(cms, '%\@= 1 ? a:1 : '' " TLogVAR ft if ft != '' let cdef = s:GuessCustomCommentString(ft, a:comment_mode) else let cdef = {'mode': a:comment_mode} endif " TLogVAR cdef let cms = get(cdef, 'commentstring', '') if empty(cms) let filetype = s:Filetype(ft) if exists('b:commentstring') let cms = b:commentstring " TLogVAR 1, cms return s:GuessCustomCommentString(filetype, a:comment_mode, cms) elseif exists('b:commentStart') && b:commentStart != '' let cms = s:EncodeCommentPart(b:commentStart) .' %s' " TLogVAR 2, cms if exists('b:commentEnd') && b:commentEnd != '' let cms = cms .' '. s:EncodeCommentPart(b:commentEnd) endif return s:GuessCustomCommentString(filetype, a:comment_mode, cms) else let [use_guess_ft, altFiletype] = s:AltFiletype(ft) " TLogVAR use_guess_ft, altFiletype if use_guess_ft return s:GuessFileType(a:beg, a:end, a:comment_mode, filetype, altFiletype) else let guess_cdef = s:GuessVimOptionsCommentString(a:comment_mode) " TLogVAR guess_cdef return s:GuessCustomCommentString(filetype, a:comment_mode, guess_cdef.commentstring, guess_cdef) endif endif let cdef.commentstring = cms endif return cdef endf function! s:StartPosRx(comment_mode, line, col) " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:line, a:col " if a:comment_mode =~# 'I' " return s:StartLineRx(a:line) . s:StartColRx(a:comment_mode, a:col) " else let rv = s:StartColRx(a:comment_mode, a:col) " endif " TLogVAR rv return rv endf function! s:EndPosRx(comment_mode, lnum, col) " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:lnum, a:col " if a:comment_mode =~# 'I' " return s:EndLineRx(a:lnum) . s:EndColRx(a:col) " else return s:EndColRx(a:comment_mode, a:lnum, a:col) " endif endf function! s:StartLineRx(pos) return '\%'. a:pos .'l' endf function! s:EndLineRx(pos) return '\%'. a:pos .'l' endf function! s:StartColRx(comment_mode, col, ...) let mixedindent = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : get(s:cdef, 'mixedindent', 1) " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:col, mixedindent if a:comment_mode =~# '[IR]' let col = mixedindent ? a:col - 1 : a:col let c0 = 1 else let col = a:col let c0 = 2 endif " TLogVAR col, c0, mixedindent if col < c0 return '\^' elseif mixedindent return '\%>'. col .'v' else return '\%'. col .'v' endif endf function! s:EndColRx(comment_mode, lnum, pos) " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:lnum, a:pos let line = getline(a:lnum) let cend = s:Strdisplaywidth(line) " TLogVAR cend if a:pos == 0 || a:pos >= cend return '\$' else if a:comment_mode =~? 'i' && a:comment_mode =~# 'o' let mod = '>' else let mod = '' endif " TLogVAR &selection, mod return '\%'. mod . a:pos .'v' endif endf function! s:CommentDef(beg, end, checkRx, comment_mode, cbeg, cend) " TLogVAR a:beg, a:end, a:checkRx, a:comment_mode, a:cbeg, a:cend let beg = a:beg let end = a:end if a:comment_mode =~# 'U' let uncomment = 1 elseif a:comment_mode =~# '[CK]' let uncomment = 0 else if get(s:cdef, 'mixedindent', 1) let mdrx = '\V'. s:StartColRx(a:comment_mode, a:cbeg) .'\s\*' let mdrx .= s:StartColRx(a:comment_mode, a:cbeg + 1, 0) .'\s\*' else let mdrx = '\V'. s:StartColRx(a:comment_mode, a:cbeg) .'\s\*' endif let mdrx .= a:checkRx .'\s\*'. s:EndColRx(a:comment_mode, a:end, 0) " let mdrx = '\V'. s:StartPosRx(a:comment_mode, beg, a:cbeg) .'\s\*'. a:checkRx .'\s\*'. s:EndPosRx(a:comment_mode, end, 0) " TLogVAR mdrx let line = getline(beg) if a:cbeg != 0 && a:cend != 0 let line = strpart(line, 0, a:cend - 1) endif let uncomment = (line =~ mdrx) " TLogVAR 1, uncomment, line let n = beg + 1 if a:comment_mode =~# 'G' if uncomment while n <= end if getline(n) =~ '\S' if !(getline(n) =~ mdrx) let uncomment = 0 " TLogVAR 2, uncomment break endif endif let n = n + 1 endwh endif elseif a:comment_mode =~# 'B' let t = @t try silent exec 'norm! '. beg.'G1|v'.end.'G$"ty' if &selection == 'inclusive' && @t =~ '\n$' && len(@t) > 1 let @t = @t[0 : -2] endif " TLogVAR @t, mdrx let uncomment = (@t =~ mdrx) " TLogVAR 3, uncomment if !uncomment && a:comment_mode =~ 'o' let mdrx1 = substitute(mdrx, '\\$$', '\\n\\$', '') " TLogVAR mdrx1 if @t =~ mdrx1 let uncomment = 1 " TLogVAR 4, uncomment endif endif finally let @t = t endtry endif endif " TLogVAR 5, uncomment return [beg, end, uncomment] endf function! s:ProcessLine(comment_do, match, checkRx, replace) " TLogVAR a:comment_do, a:match, a:checkRx, a:replace try if !(g:tcomment#blank_lines > 0 || a:match =~ '\S') return a:match endif if a:comment_do ==# 'k' if a:match =~ a:checkRx return ['', 0] endif endif if a:comment_do ==# 'u' let m = matchlist(a:match, a:checkRx) if !empty(m) for irx in range(2, s:Count(a:checkRx, '\\\@' let s:cursor_pos = getpos('.') let s:cursor_pos[2] += len(rv) elseif s:cdef.mode =~ '#' if empty(s:cursor_pos) || s:current_pos[1] == s:processline_lnum let prefix = matchstr(a:replace, '^.*%\@ a:beg let s:cursor_pos[1] -= prefix_lines if s:cursor_pos[1] > a:end - postfix_lines let s:cursor_pos[1] -= postfix_lines endif if s:cursor_pos[1] < 1 let s:cursor_pos[1] = 1 endif endif let prefix_len = s:Strdisplaywidth(mx) let s:cursor_pos[2] -= prefix_len if s:cursor_pos[2] < 1 let s:cursor_pos[2] = 1 endif endif else let cs = indentStr . substitute(cs, '%\@'. indentlen .'v\zs' " TLogVAR indentStr, indentlen, rx, @t, empty(@t) if @t =~ '^\n\?$' let lines = [indentStr . ms] let cs .= "\n" " TLogVAR 1, lines else for line in split(@t, '\n') " TLogVAR 1, line if lnum == 0 let line = substitute(line, rx, ms, '') else let line = substitute(line, rx, mx, '') endif " TLogVAR 2, line call add(lines, line) let lnum += 1 endfor " TLogVAR 2, lines endif let @t = join(lines, "\n") " TLogVAR 3, @t endif let @t = s:Printf1(cs, "\n". @t ."\n") " TLogVAR 4, cs, @t, a:comment_mode if a:comment_mode =~ '#' let s:cursor_pos = copy(s:current_pos) let s:cursor_pos[1] += len(substitute(prefix, "[^\n]", '', 'g')) + 1 let prefix_len = s:Strdisplaywidth(mx) let s:cursor_pos[2] += prefix_len " echom "DBG s:current_pos=" string(s:current_pos) "s:cursor_pos=" string(s:cursor_pos) endif endif silent norm! "tP finally let &selection = sel_save let @t = t endtry endf function! s:Filetype(...) "{{{3 let ft = a:0 >= 1 && !empty(a:1) ? a:1 : &filetype let pos = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : 0 " TLogVAR ft, pos let fts = split(ft, '^\@!\.') " TLogVAR fts " let ft = substitute(ft, '\..*$', '', '') let rv = get(fts, pos, ft) " TLogVAR fts, rv if !exists('s:filetype_map_rx') let fts_rx = '^'. join(map(keys(g:tcomment#filetype_map), 'escape(v:val, ''\'')'), '\|') .'$' endif " TLogVAR fts_rx if rv =~ fts_rx for [ft_rx, ftrv] in items(g:tcomment#filetype_map) " TLogVAR ft_rx, ftrv if rv =~ ft_rx let rv = substitute(rv, ft_rx, ftrv, '') " TLogVAR rv break endif endfor endif return rv endf function! s:AltFiletype(filetype) "{{{3 let filetype = empty(a:filetype) ? &filetype : a:filetype " TLogVAR a:filetype, filetype if g:tcommentGuessFileType || (exists('g:tcommentGuessFileType_'. filetype) \ && g:tcommentGuessFileType_{filetype} =~ '[^0]') if g:tcommentGuessFileType_{filetype} == 1 if filetype =~ '^.\{-}\..\+$' let altFiletype = s:Filetype(filetype, 1) else let altFiletype = '' endif else let altFiletype = g:tcommentGuessFileType_{filetype} endif " TLogVAR 1, altFiletype return [1, altFiletype] elseif filetype =~ '^.\{-}\..\+$' let altFiletype = s:Filetype(filetype, 1) " TLogVAR 2, altFiletype return [1, altFiletype] else " TLogVAR 3, '' return [0, ''] endif endf " A function that makes the s:GuessFileType() function usable for other " library developers. " " The argument is a dictionary with the following keys: " " beg ................ (default = line(".")) " end ................ (default = line(".")) " comment_mode ........ (default = "G") " filetype ........... (default = &filetype) " fallbackFiletype ... (default = "") " " This function return a dictionary that contains information about how " to make comments. The information about the filetype of the text " between lines "beg" and "end" is in the "filetype" key of the return " value. It returns the first discernible filetype it encounters. " :display: tcomment#GuessFileType(?options={}) function! tcomment#GuessCommentType(...) "{{{3 let options = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {} let beg = get(options, 'beg', line('.')) let end = get(options, 'end', line('.')) let comment_mode = get(options, 'comment_mode', '') let filetype = get(options, 'filetype', &filetype) let fallbackFiletype = get(options, 'filetype', '') return s:GuessFileType(beg, end, comment_mode, filetype, fallbackFiletype) endf " inspired by Meikel Brandmeyer's EnhancedCommentify.vim " this requires that a syntax names are prefixed by the filetype name " s:GuessFileType(beg, end, comment_mode, filetype, ?fallbackFiletype) function! s:GuessFileType(beg, end, comment_mode, filetype, ...) " TLogVAR a:beg, a:end, a:comment_mode, a:filetype, a:000 " TLogVAR cdef let cdef0 = s:GuessCustomCommentString(a:filetype, a:comment_mode) if a:0 >= 1 && a:1 != '' let cdef = s:GuessCustomCommentString(a:1, a:comment_mode) " TLogVAR 0, cdef let cdef = extend(cdef, cdef0, 'keep') " TLogVAR 1, cdef if empty(get(cdef, 'commentstring', '')) let guess_cdef = s:GuessVimOptionsCommentString(a:comment_mode) call extend(cdef, guess_cdef) endif " TLogVAR 2, cdef else let cdef = cdef0 " TLogVAR 3, cdef if !has_key(cdef, 'commentstring') let cdef = s:GuessVimOptionsCommentString(a:comment_mode) endif " TLogVAR 4, cdef endif let beg = a:beg let end = nextnonblank(a:end) if end == 0 let end = a:end let beg = prevnonblank(a:beg) if beg == 0 let beg = a:beg endif endif let n = beg " TLogVAR n, beg, end while n <= end let m = indent(n) + 1 let text = getline(n) let le = len(text) " TLogVAR m, le while m <= le let syntax_name = s:GetSyntaxName(n, m) " TLogVAR syntax_name, n, m unlet! ftype_map let ftype_map = get(g:tcommentSyntaxMap, syntax_name, '') " TLogVAR ftype_map if !empty(ftype_map) && type(ftype_map) == 4 if n < a:beg let key = 'prevnonblank' elseif n > a:end let key = 'nextnonblank' else let key = '' endif if empty(key) || !has_key(ftype_map, key) let ftypeftype = get(ftype_map, 'filetype', {}) " TLogVAR ftype_map, ftypeftype unlet! ftype_map let ftype_map = get(ftypeftype, a:filetype, '') else let mapft = '' for mapdef in ftype_map[key] if strpart(text, m - 1) =~ '^'. mapdef.match let mapft = mapdef.filetype break endif endfor unlet! ftype_map if empty(mapft) let ftype_map = '' else let ftype_map = mapft endif endif endif if !empty(ftype_map) " TLogVAR ftype_map return s:GuessCustomCommentString(ftype_map, a:comment_mode, cdef.commentstring) elseif syntax_name =~ s:types_rx let ft = substitute(syntax_name, s:types_rx, '\1', '') " TLogVAR ft if exists('g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_'. a:filetype) && g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_{a:filetype} =~ '\<'.ft.'\>' let m += 1 else return s:GuessCustomCommentString(ft, a:comment_mode, cdef.commentstring) endif elseif syntax_name == '' || syntax_name == 'None' || syntax_name =~ '^\u\+$' || syntax_name =~ '^\u\U*$' let m += 1 else break endif endwh let n += 1 endwh " TLogVAR cdef return cdef endf function! s:GetSyntaxName(lnum, col) "{{{3 let syntax_name = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') if !empty(g:tcomment#syntax_substitute) for [rx, subdef] in items(g:tcomment#syntax_substitute) if !has_key(subdef, 'if') || eval(subdef.if) let syntax_name = substitute(syntax_name, rx, subdef.sub, 'g') endif endfor endif " TLogVAR syntax_name return syntax_name endf function! s:AddModeExtra(comment_mode, extra, beg, end) "{{{3 if a:beg == a:end let extra = substitute(a:extra, '\C[B]', '', 'g') else let extra = substitute(a:extra, '\C[IR]', '', 'g') endif let comment_mode = a:comment_mode if extra =~# 'B' let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\c[gir]', '', 'g') endif if extra =~# '[IR]' let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\c[gb]', '', 'g') endif if extra =~# '[BLIRK]' && comment_mode =~# 'G' let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\c[G]', '', 'g') endif let rv = comment_mode . extra " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:extra, comment_mode, extra, rv return rv endf function! s:GuessCommentMode(comment_mode, supported_comment_modes) "{{{3 " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:supported_comment_modes let cmode = tolower(a:comment_mode) let ccmodes = split(tolower(a:supported_comment_modes), '\zs') let ccmodes = filter(ccmodes, 'stridx(cmode, v:val) != -1') let guess = substitute(a:comment_mode, '\w\+', 'G', 'g') " TLogVAR ccmodes, guess if a:comment_mode =~# '[BR]' return !empty(ccmodes) ? a:comment_mode : guess elseif a:comment_mode =~# '[I]' return !empty(ccmodes) ? a:comment_mode : '' " elseif a:comment_mode =~# '[R]' && !empty(ccmodes) " return a:comment_mode else return guess endif endf function! s:GuessVimOptionsCommentString(comment_mode) " TLogVAR a:comment_mode let valid_cms = (match(&commentstring, '%\@= 1 ? a:1 : '' let default_cdef = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : {} let default_supports_comment_mode = get(default_cdef, 'comment_mode', custom_comment_mode) " TLogVAR default, default_supports_comment_mode if comment_mode =~# '[ILB]' && !empty(custom_comment_mode) let def = tcomment#GetCommentDef(custom_comment_mode) " TLogVAR 1, def elseif !empty(custom_comment) let def = tcomment#GetCommentDef(custom_comment) let comment_mode = s:GuessCommentMode(comment_mode, supported_comment_mode) " TLogVAR 3, def, comment_mode elseif !empty(default) if empty(default_cdef) let def = {'commentstring': default} else let def = default_cdef endif let comment_mode = s:GuessCommentMode(comment_mode, default_supports_comment_mode) " TLogVAR 4, def, comment_mode else let def = {} let comment_mode = s:GuessCommentMode(comment_mode, '') " TLogVAR 5, def, comment_mode endif let cdef = copy(def) if !has_key(cdef, 'mode') let cdef.mode = comment_mode endif let cdef.filetype = a:ft " TLogVAR cdef return cdef endf function! s:GetCommentReplace(cdef, cms0) if has_key(a:cdef, 'commentstring_rx') let rs = s:BlockGetCommentString(a:cdef) else let rs = a:cms0 endif return rs " return escape(rs, '"/') endf function! s:BlockGetCommentRx(cdef) if has_key(a:cdef, 'commentstring_rx') return a:cdef.commentstring_rx else let cms0 = s:BlockGetCommentString(a:cdef) let cms0 = escape(cms0, '\') return cms0 endif endf function! s:BlockGetCommentString(cdef) if has_key(a:cdef, 'middle') return a:cdef.commentstring else return matchstr(a:cdef.commentstring, '^.\{-}\ze\(\n\|$\)') endif endf function! s:BlockGetMiddleString(cdef) if has_key(a:cdef, 'middle') return a:cdef.middle else return matchstr(a:cdef.commentstring, '\n\zs.*') endif endf function! tcomment#TextObjectInlineComment() "{{{3 let cdef = tcomment#GuessCommentType({'comment_mode': 'I'}) let cms = escape(cdef.commentstring, '\') let pos = getpos('.') let lnum = pos[1] let col = pos[2] let cmtf = '\V'. printf(cms, '\.\{-}\%'. lnum .'l\%'. col .'c\.\{-}') " TLogVAR cmtf, search(cmtf,'cwn') if search(cmtf, 'cw') > 0 let pos0 = getpos('.') if search(cmtf, 'cwe') > 0 let pos1 = getpos('.') exec 'norm!' \ pos0[1].'gg'.pos0[2].'|v'. \ pos1[1].'gg'.pos1[2].'|'. \ (&sel == 'exclusive' ? 'l' : '') endif endif endf " vi: ft=vim:tw=72:ts=4:fo=w2croql