" Copyright (c) 1998-2001 " Michael Sharpe " " We grant permission to use, copy modify, distribute, and sell this " software for any purpose without fee, provided that the above copyright " notice and this text are not removed. We make no guarantee about the " sutability of this software for any purpose and we are not liable " for any damages resulting from its use. Further, we are under no " obligation to maintain or extend this software. It is provided on an " "as is" basis without any express or implied warranty. " Function : AlternateFile (PUBLIC) " Purpose : Opens a new buffer by looking at the extension of the current " buffer and finding the corresponding file. E.g. foo.c <--> foo.h " Args : accepts one argument. If present it used the argument as the new " extension. " Returns : nothing " Author : Michael Sharpe if exists("loaded_alternateFile") finish endif let loaded_alternateFile = 1 func! AlternateFile(splitWindow, ...) let baseName = expand("%<") " before 5.6 if (a:1 != "") is needed instead of the following... if (a:0 != 0) let newFilename = baseName . "." . a:1 else let currentFile = expand("%") let extension = fnamemodify(currentFile,":e") if (extension == "c") let newFilename = baseName.".h" elseif (extension == "cpp" || extension == "CPP") let newFilename = baseName . ".h" elseif (extension == "cc" || extension == "CC") let newFilename = baseName . ".h" elseif (extension == "C") let newFilename = baseName . ".h" elseif (extension == "cxx" || extension == "CXX") let newFilename = baseName . ".h" elseif (extension == "psl") let newFilename = baseName . ".ph" elseif (extension == "ph") let newFilename = baseName . ".psl" elseif (extension == "h" || extension == "H") " check to see if a .c file exists let newFilename = baseName . ".c" let existsCheck = BufferOrFileExists(newFilename) if (existsCheck == 0) " no .c try for a .cpp let newFilename = baseName . ".cpp" let existsCheck = BufferOrFileExists(newFilename) if (existsCheck == 0) " no .c or .cpp try for a .cc let newFilename = baseName . ".cc" let existsCheck = BufferOrFileExists(newFilename) if (existsCheck == 0) " no .c, .cpp or .cc try for a .C let newFilename = baseName . ".C" let existsCheck = BufferOrFileExists(newFilename) if (existsCheck == 0) " no .c, .cpp, .cc or .C try for a .cxx let newFilename = baseName . ".cxx" let existsCheck = BufferOrFileExists(newFilename) if (existsCheck == 0) " no .c, .cpp, .cc, .C or .cxx exists default to .cpp let newFilename = baseName . ".cpp" endif endif endif endif endif else echo "AlternameFile: unknown extension" return endif endif call FindOrCreateBuffer(newFilename, a:splitWindow) endfunc comm! -nargs=? A call AlternateFile(0, ) comm! -nargs=? AS call AlternateFile(1, ) " Function : BufferOrFileExists (PRIVATE) " Purpose : determines if a buffer or a readable file exists " Args : name (IN) - name of the buffer/file to check " Returns : TRUE if it exists, FALSE otherwise function! BufferOrFileExists(name) let result = bufexists(a:name) || filereadable(a:name) return result endfunction " Function : FindOrCreateBuffer (PRIVATE) " Purpose : searches the buffer list (:ls) for the specified filename. If " found, checks the window list for the buffer. If the buffer is in " an already open window, it switches to the window. If the buffer " was not in a window, it switches to that buffer. If the buffer did " not exist, it creates it. " Args : filename (IN) -- the name of the file " doSplit (IN) -- indicates whether the window should be split " Returns : nothing " Author : Michael Sharpe function! FindOrCreateBuffer(filename, doSplit) " Check to see if the buffer is already open before re-opening it. let bufName = bufname(a:filename) if (bufName == "") " Buffer did not exist....create it if (a:doSplit != 0) execute ":split " . a:filename else execute ":e " . a:filename endif else " Buffer was already open......check to see if it is in a window let bufWindow = bufwinnr(a:filename) if (bufWindow == -1) if (a:doSplit != 0) execute ":sbuffer " . a:filename else execute ":buffer " . a:filename endif else " search the windows for the target window if bufWindow != winnr() " only search if the current window does not contain the buffer execute "normal \b" let winNum = winnr() while (winNum != bufWindow && winNum > 0) execute "normal \k" let winNum = winNum - 1 endwhile if (0 == winNum) " something wierd happened...open the buffer if (a:doSplit != 0) execute ":split " . a:filename else execute ":e " . a:filename endif endif endif endif endif endfunction