"############################################################################################### " " Filename: c.vim " " Description: Statement oriented editing of C/C++ programs (VIM Version 6.0+) " " - insertion of comments, statements and idioms " - compile/link/run support for one-file projects (without a makefile) " " Code and comments should have a professional appearance and should be " easy to write and maintain. " Programs with a consistent style are easier to read and understand. " The standardization of comments makes it possible to automate the search " for information and the generation of documents from the source code. " " Author: Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner " Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, Iserlohn, Germany " " Email: mehner@fh-swf.de " " Usage: (1.0) Configure c.vim (section Configuration below). " (2.1) Load c.vim manually into VIM with the 'so' command: " :so ~//c.vim " or better " (2.2) Load c.vim on startup (VIM version 6.0 and higher) : " move this file to the directory ~/.vim/plugin/ " c.vim inserts an additional menu entry into the Tools-menu for " loading/unloading the C support. " " Note: The register z is used in many places. " " Style Guides: Some ideas are taken from the following documents (recommended!): " " 1. Recommended C Style and Coding Standards (Indian Hill Style Guide) " www.doc.ic.ac.uk/lab/secondyear/cstyle/cstyle.html " 2. Programming in C++, Ellemtel Telecommunication Systems Laboratories " www.it.bton.ac.uk/burks/burks/language/cpp/cppstyle/ellhome.htm " 3. C++ Coding Standard, Todd Hoff " www.possibility.com/Cpp/CppCodingStandard.html " let s:CVIM_Version = "2.1" " version number of this script; do not change " Revision: 04.04.2002 " Created: 11.03.2002 "############################################################################################### " " Configuration (Use my configuration as an example) " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " let s:CVIM_AuthorName = "Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner" let s:CVIM_AuthorRef = "Mn" " " The following entries do not appear if the strings are empty. " let s:CVIM_Email = "mehner@fh-swf.de" let s:CVIM_Company = "Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, Iserlohn" let s:CVIM_Project = "" let s:CVIM_Compiler = "GNU C/C++" " " Copyright information " --------------------- " If the code has been developed over a period of years, each year must be stated. " If CVIM_CopyrightHolder is empty the copyright notice will not appear. " If CVIM_CopyrightHolder is not empty and CVIM_CopyrightYears is empty, " the current year will be inserted. " let s:CVIM_CopyrightHolder = "" let s:CVIM_CopyrightYears = "" " "############################################################################################### " " Global Variables : Compiler, Options, Libraries, ... " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " let s:CVIM_CExtension = "c" " C file extension; everything else is C++ let s:CVIM_CCompiler = "gcc" " the C compiler let s:CVIM_CplusCompiler = "g++" " the C++ compiler let s:CVIM_CFlags = "-Wall -g -c" " compiler flags: compile let s:CVIM_LFlags = "-Wall -g" " compiler flags: link let s:CVIM_Libs = "-lm" " libraries to use " let s:CVIM_Pager = "less" " pager " let s:CVIM_CmdLineArgs = "" " command line arguments for Run-run; " " initially empty "############################################################################################### " " ... finally " " Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), the greatest of the german men of letters, " about LINUX, Vim/gVim and other great tools (Ok, almost.) : " " "Ein Mann, der recht zu wirken denkt, "Who on efficient work is bent, " Muß auf das beste Werkzeug halten." Must choose the fittest instrument." " " Faust, Teil 1, Vorspiel auf dem Theater Faust, Part 1, Prologue for the Theatre " "############################################################################################### "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C : CVIM_InitC " Initialization of C support menus "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! CVIM_InitC () " "=============================================================================================== "----- Menu : Key Mappings --------------------------------------------------------------------- "=============================================================================================== " The following key mappings are for convenience only. " Comment out the mappings if you dislike them. " If enabled, there may be conflicts with predefined key bindings of your window manager. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Alt-F9 write buffer and compile " F9 compile and link " Ctrl-F9 run executable " map :w:call CVIM_Compile():cwin map :call CVIM_Link():cwin map :call CVIM_Run(0):cwin " "=============================================================================================== "----- Menu : C-Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "=============================================================================================== " MENU ENTRY " ----------------- " Line End Comment " Frame Comment " Function Description (grep searchable with "^//#" ) " Main Description (grep searchable with "^//#" ) " File Prologue (grep searchable with "^//#" ) " File Section Headers " Keyword Comments (grep searchable with "// :" ) " Comment out a highlighted block of code " Uncomment a highlighted block of code " Date+Time " Date " Special Comments (reminders) "=============================================================================================== " amenu C-&Comments.&Line\ End\ Comment A// amenu C-&Comments.&Frame\ Comment :call CVIM_CommentFrame() jA amenu C-&Comments.F&unction\ Description :call CVIM_CommentFunction() :/NameA amenu C-&Comments.&Main\ Description :call CVIM_CommentMain() :/DescriptionA amenu C-&Comments.File\ &Prologue :call CVIM_CommentFilePrologue():/DescriptionA amenu C-&Comments.-SEP1- : " "----- Submenu : C++ : file sections ------------------------------------------------------------- " amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.&Header\ File\ Includes :call CVIM_CommentSection("HEADER FILE INCLUDES") 0i amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.&Macros :call CVIM_CommentSection("MACROS") 0i amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.M&acros\ with\ Arguments :call CVIM_CommentSection("MACROS WITH ARGUMENTS") 0i amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.&Type\ Definitions :call CVIM_CommentSection("TYPE DEFINITIONS") 0i amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.&Enumerations :call CVIM_CommentSection("ENUMERATIONS") 0i amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.E&xtern\ Data :call CVIM_CommentSection("EXTERN DATA") 0i amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.&Non-static\ Global\ Data :call CVIM_CommentSection("NON-STATIC GLOBAL DATA")0i amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.&Static\ Global\ Data :call CVIM_CommentSection("STATIC GLOBAL DATA") 0i amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.&Local\ Prototypes :call CVIM_CommentSection("LOCAL PROTOTYPES") 0i amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.&Functions :call CVIM_CommentSection("FUNCTIONS") 0i amenu C-&Comments.C-File\ &Sections.-\ All\ Se&ctions :call CVIM_CommentSectionAll() 0i " "----- Submenu : C++ : keyword comments ---------------------------------------------------------- " amenu C-&Comments.\/\/\ \:&KEYWORD\:.&BUG $:call CVIM_CommentClassified("BUG") kgJA amenu C-&Comments.\/\/\ \:&KEYWORD\:.&COMPILER $:call CVIM_CommentClassified("COMPILER")kgJA amenu C-&Comments.\/\/\ \:&KEYWORD\:.&TODO $:call CVIM_CommentClassified("TODO") kgJA amenu C-&Comments.\/\/\ \:&KEYWORD\:.T&RICKY $:call CVIM_CommentClassified("TRICKY") kgJA amenu C-&Comments.\/\/\ \:&KEYWORD\:.&WARNING $:call CVIM_CommentClassified("WARNING") kgJA amenu C-&Comments.\/\/\ \:&KEYWORD\:.&new\ keyword $:call CVIM_CommentClassified("") kgJf:a " amenu C-&Comments.-SEP2- : vmenu C-&Comments.&code->comment :'<,'>s/^/\/\//:nohlsearch vmenu C-&Comments.c&omment->code :'<,'>s/^\/\/// amenu C-&Comments.-SEP3- : amenu C-&Comments.&Date :let @z=strftime("%x")"zpa amenu C-&Comments.Date\ &Time :let @z=strftime("%x - %X")"zpa " amenu C-&Comments.-SEP5- : amenu C-&Comments.\/\/\ &EMPTY A// EMPTY amenu C-&Comments.\/\/\ FALL\ TH&ROUGH A// FALL THROUGH amenu C-&Comments.\/\/\ &IMPLICIT\ TYPE\ CONV A// IMPLICIT TYPE CONVERSION amenu C-&Comments.\/\/\ &NOT\ REACHED A// NOT REACHED " "=============================================================================================== "----- Menu : C-Statements --------------------------------------------------------------------- "=============================================================================================== " MENU ENTRY " ----------------- " if { } " if { } else { } " else { } " for " for { } " while { } " do { } while " switch " case " { } " #include <...> " #include "..." " #define " #ifndef..#def..#endif " #ifdef..#endif "=============================================================================================== " imenu C-St&atements.&if\ \{\ \} :let @z="if ( )\n{\n\t\n}\n" "z]pf(la imenu C-St&atements.if\ \{\ \}\ &else\ \{\ \} :let @z="if ( )\n{\n\t\n}\nelse\n{\n\t\n}\n" "z]pf(la imenu C-St&atements.e&lse\ \{\ \} :let @z="else\n{\n\t\n}\n" "z]p4<<2ja imenu C-St&atements.&for :let @z="for ( ; ; )\n" "z]pf;i imenu C-St&atements.f&or\ \{\ \} :let @z="for ( ; ; )\n{\n\t\n}\n" "z]pf;i imenu C-St&atements.&while\ \{\ \} :let @z="while ( )\n{\n\t\n}\n" "z]pf(la imenu C-St&atements.&do\ \{\ \}\ while :call CVIM_DoWhile() "z]p:/while f(la imenu C-St&atements.&switch :call CVIM_CodeSwitch() "z]pf(la imenu C-St&atements.&case :call CVIM_CodeCase() "z]pf:i imenu C-St&atements.&\{\ \} :let @z="{\n\t\n}\n" "z]pjA imenu C-St&atements.-SEP1- : imenu C-St&atements.#include\ &\<\.\.\.\> :let @z="#include\t<.h>" "zpF.i imenu C-St&atements.#include\ \"\.\.\.\" :let @z="#include\t\".h\"" "zpF.i imenu C-St&atements.&#define :let @z="#define\t\t\t\t// " "zp4Fa imenu C-St&atements.#if\.\.#else\.\.#endif :call CVIM_PPIfElse('if') ji imenu C-St&atements.#ifdef\.\.#else\.\.#endif :call CVIM_PPIfElse('ifdef') ji imenu C-St&atements.#ifndef\.\.#else\.\.#endif :call CVIM_PPIfElse('ifndef') ji imenu C-St&atements.#ifndef\.\.#def\.\.#endif :call CVIM_PPIfDef() 2ji " "=============================================================================================== "----- Menu : C-Idioms ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "=============================================================================================== " MENU ENTRY " ----------------- " function " main " for( i=0; i=0; i-=1 ) " for( i=1; i<=n; i+=1 ) " for( i=n; i>=1; i-=1 ) " enum + typedef " struct + typedef " union + typedef " printf " scanf " #include " p=malloc( ) " open input file " open output file "=============================================================================================== " imenu C-&Idioms.&function :call CVIM_CodeFunction() imenu C-&Idioms.&main :call CVIM_CodeMain() 3jA imenu C-&Idioms.-SEP1- : imenu C-&Idioms.for\ (\ i=&0;\ \ \ i0fni imenu C-&Idioms.for\ (\ i=n&-1;\ i>=0;\ i\-=1\ ) for ( i=n-1; i>=0; i-=1 )0fni imenu C-&Idioms.for\ (\ i=&1;\ \ \ i<=n;\ i\+=1\ ) for ( i=1; i<=n; i+=1 )0fni imenu C-&Idioms.for\ (\ i=&n;\ \ \ i>=1;\ i\-=1\ ) for ( i=n; i>=1; i-=1 )0fni imenu C-&Idioms.-SEP2- : imenu C-&Idioms.&enum\+typedef :call CVIM_EST("enum") 2jA imenu C-&Idioms.&struct\+typedef :call CVIM_EST("struct") 2jA imenu C-&Idioms.&union\+typedef :call CVIM_EST("union") 2jA imenu C-&Idioms.-SEP3- : imenu C-&Idioms.&printf printf ("\n");2F"a imenu C-&Idioms.s&canf scanf ("", & );F"i " "----- Submenu : C-Idioms: standard library ------------------------------------------------------- " imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\<&assert\.h\> o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\<&ctype\.h\> o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\<&errno\.h\> o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\<&float\.h\> o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\<&limits\.h\> o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\ o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\<&math\.h\> o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\ o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\ o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\ o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\ o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\<&stdio\.h\> o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\ o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\ o#include imenu C-&Idioms.&#include\ Std\.Lib\..\<&time\.h\> o#include " imenu C-&Idioms.-SEP4- : imenu C-&Idioms.p=m&alloc\(\ \) :call CVIM_CodeMalloc() f(la imenu C-&Idioms.open\ &input\ file :call CVIM_CodeFopenRead() jf"a imenu C-&Idioms.open\ &output\ file :call CVIM_CodeFopenWrite() jf"a "=============================================================================================== "----- Menu : C++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "=============================================================================================== " MENU ENTRY " ----------------- " cout variable " cout string " cin " cerr " #include " class " class using new " template function " template class " friend operator << " friend operator >> " try .. catch " catch( ) " catch(...) " open input file " open output file " using namespace " namespace "=============================================================================================== " imenu C&++.cout\ &variable cout<< "\n" << ;i imenu C&++.cout\ &string cout<< "\n";hi imenu C&++.c&in cin>> ;i " "----- Submenu : C++ : output manipulators ------------------------------------------------------- " imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ &endl << endl a imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ &flush << flush a imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ &dec << dec a imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ &hex << hex a imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ &oct << oct a imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ set&base\(\ \) << setbase() F)i imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ setfi&ll\(\ \) << setfill() F)i imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ set&iosflag\(\ \) << setiosflag() F)i imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ &resetiosflag\(\ \) << resetiosflag() F)i imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ set&precision\(\ \) << setprecision() F)i imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.\<\<\ set&w\(\ \) << setw() F)i imenu C&++.output\ mani&pulators.&#include\ \ :let @z="#include\t" "z]pa " "----- Submenu : C++ : ios flag bits ------------------------------------------------------------- " imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&skipws ios::skipwsa imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&left ios::lefta imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&right ios::righta imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&internal ios::internala imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&boolalpha ios::boolalphaa imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&dec ios::deca imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&hex ios::hexa imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&oct ios::octa imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::s&cientific ios::scientifica imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&fixed ios::fixeda imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::sho&wbase ios::showbasea imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::show&pos ios::showposa imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&uppercase ios::uppercasea imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::&adjustfield ios::adjustfielda imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::bas&efield ios::basefielda imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::floa&tfield ios::floatfielda imenu C&++.ios\ fla&gbits.ios::u&nitbuf ios::unitbufa " imenu C&++.c&err cerr<< "\n";hi imenu C&++.&#include\ \ :let @z="#include\t" "z]pa imenu C&++.-SEP1- : imenu C&++.&class :call CVIM_CodeClass() imenu C&++.class\ using\ &new :call CVIM_CodeClassNew() imenu C&++.err&or\ class :call CVIM_CodeErrorClass() 3jf"a imenu C&++.-SEP2- : imenu C&++.&template\ class :call CVIM_CodeTemplateClass() imenu C&++.template\ class\ using\ ne&w :call CVIM_CodeTemplateClassNew() imenu C&++.template\ &function :call CVIM_CodeTemplateFunct() imenu C&++.-SEP3- : imenu C&++.friend\ operator\ << :call CVIM_CodeOutputOperator() 3jf.a imenu C&++.friend\ operator\ >> :call CVIM_CodeInputOperator() 3jf.a imenu C&++.-SEP4- : imenu C&++.tr&y\ \.\.\ catch :call CVIM_CodeTryCatch() 4j2f a imenu C&++.c&atch :call CVIM_CodeCatch() 2f a imenu C&++.catch\(\.\.\.\) :let @z="catch (...)\n{\n\t\n}" "z]p2ja imenu C&++.-SEP5- : imenu C&++.open\ input\ file :call CVIM_CodeIfstream() f"a imenu C&++.open\ output\ file :call CVIM_CodeOfstream() f"a imenu C&++.-SEP6- : imenu C&++.&using\ namespace using namespace ;$i imenu C&++.na&mespace :let @z="namespace \n{\n\n}" "z]pA imenu C&++.-SEP7- : " "----- Submenu : RTTI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " imenu C&++.&RTTI.&typeid typeid()F(a imenu C&++.&RTTI.&static_cast static_cast<>()F()F()F()F:call CVIM_CodeExternC() 2jf.i " "=============================================================================================== "----- Menu : run ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "=============================================================================================== " " MENU ENTRY " ----------------- " save buffer to file and compile the file " link the object file; compile if the object does not exist or is older then the source " run the executable; compile and link if the executable does not exist " or is older then the object source " run with pager " read command line arguments for the run command " "=============================================================================================== " " compile and open the error window in case of errors amenu C-&Run.save\ and\ &compile\ \ \\ :w:call CVIM_Compile():cwin " amenu C-&Run.&link\ \ \ :call CVIM_Link():cwin amenu C-&Run.&run\ \ \\ :call CVIM_Run(0):cwin amenu C-&Run.run\ with\ &pager :call CVIM_Run(1):cwin amenu C-&Run.command\ line\ &arguments :call CVIM_Arguments() imenu C-&Run.-SEP1- : amenu C-&Run.a&bout\ C/C++-Support :call CVIM_Version() " endfunction " "=============================================================================================== "----- Menu Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "=============================================================================================== " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Comments : frame comment "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CommentFrame () let @z= "//----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" let @z=@z."// \n" let @z=@z."//----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" put z endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Comments : function "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CommentFunction () let @z= "//#=== FUNCTION ======================================================================\n" let @z= @z."//#\n" let @z= @z."//# Name: \n" let @z= @z."//#\n" let @z= @z."//# Description: \n" let @z= @z."//#\n" let @z= @z."//#- PARAMETER -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" let @z= @z."//# Mode Type Name Description\n" let @z= @z."//#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" let @z= @z."//# in: \n" let @z= @z."//# in-out: \n" let @z= @z."//# out: \n" let @z= @z."//# return: \n" let @z= @z."//#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" let @z= @z."//# Author: ".s:CVIM_AuthorName."\n" let @z= @z."//# Created: ".strftime("%x - %X")."\n" let @z= @z."//# Revision: ---\n" let @z= @z."//#=====================================================================================\n" put z endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Comments : main "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CommentMain () let @z= "//#=== FUNCTION MAIN =================================================================\n" let @z= @z."//#\n" let @z= @z."//# Description: \n" let @z= @z."//#\n" let @z= @z."//#\n" let @z= @z."//#- PARAMETER -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" let @z= @z."//# Mode Type Name Description\n" let @z= @z."//#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" let @z= @z."//# in: int argc number of command line arguments\n" let @z= @z."//# in: char* argv[] pointers to command line arguments\n" let @z= @z."//# in: char* argv[0] name of the command\n" let @z= @z."//# return: int --- return code\n" let @z= @z."//#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" let @z= @z."//# Author: ".s:CVIM_AuthorName."\n" let @z= @z."//# Created: ".strftime("%d.%m.%Y - %X")."\n" let @z= @z."//# Revision: ---\n" let @z= @z."//#=====================================================================================\n" put z endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Comments : file prologue "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CommentFilePrologue () let @z= "//#=====================================================================================" let @z= @z."\n//#" let @z= @z."\n//# Filename: ".expand("%:t") let @z= @z."\n//#" let @z= @z."\n//# Description: " let @z= @z."\n//#" let @z= @z."\n//# Usage: ./".expand("%:t:r").".e " let @z= @z."\n//#" let @z= @z."\n//# Version: 1.0" let @z= @z."\n//# Created: ".strftime("%x") let @z= @z."\n//# Revision: ---" if(s:CVIM_Compiler!="") let @z= @z."\n//# Compiler: ".s:CVIM_Compiler endif let @z= @z."\n//#" let @z= @z."\n//# Author: ".s:CVIM_AuthorName if(s:CVIM_AuthorRef!="") let @z= @z." (".s:CVIM_AuthorRef.")" endif if(s:CVIM_Company!="") let @z= @z."\n//# Company: ".s:CVIM_Company endif if(s:CVIM_Email!="") let @z= @z."\n//# Email: ".s:CVIM_Email endif if(s:CVIM_CopyrightHolder!="") let @z= @z. "\n//# Copyright: ".s:CVIM_CopyrightHolder if(s:CVIM_CopyrightYears=="") let @z= @z. " , ". strftime("%Y") else let @z= @z. " , ". s:CVIM_CopyrightYears endif endif if(s:CVIM_Project!="") let @z= @z."\n//#" let @z= @z."\n//# Project: ".s:CVIM_Project endif let @z= @z."\n//#" let @z= @z."\n//#=====================================================================================\n\n" put! z endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Comments : classified comments "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CommentClassified (class) put = ' // :'.a:class.':'.strftime(\"%x\").':'.s:CVIM_AuthorRef.': ' endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Comments : Section Comments "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! CVIM_CommentSection (keyword) let @z= "// ##### ".a:keyword." " let n = 74-strlen(a:keyword) while n>0 let @z = @z."#" let n = n-1 endwhile let @z= @z."\n\n" put z | +1 endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Comments : Section Comments "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! CVIM_CommentSectionAll () call CVIM_CommentSection("HEADER FILE INCLUDES") call CVIM_CommentSection("MACROS") call CVIM_CommentSection("MACROS WITH ARGUMENTS") call CVIM_CommentSection("TYPE DEFINITIONS") call CVIM_CommentSection("ENUMERATIONS") call CVIM_CommentSection("EXTERN DATA") call CVIM_CommentSection("NON-STATIC GLOBAL DATA") call CVIM_CommentSection("STATIC GLOBAL DATA") call CVIM_CommentSection("LOCAL PROTOTYPES") call CVIM_CommentSection("FUNCTIONS") endfunction " "===================================================================================== "----- Menu : Statements ----------------------------------------------------------- "===================================================================================== " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Statements : do-while "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! CVIM_DoWhile () let @z= "do\n{\n\t\n}\nwhile ( );" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ----- end do-while -----\n" endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Statements : switch " Statements : case "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:CVIM_CaseStatement = "\tcase :\t\n\t\tbreak;\n\n" " function! CVIM_CodeSwitch () let @z= "switch ( )\n{\n\n" let loopcount=4 " default number of cases while loopcount>0 let @z= @z.s:CVIM_CaseStatement let loopcount=loopcount-1 endwhile let @z= @z."\tdefault:\t\n\t\tbreak;\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ----- end switch -----\n" endfunction " function! CVIM_CodeCase () let @z= s:CVIM_CaseStatement endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Statements : #if .. #else .. #endif " Statements : #ifdef .. #else .. #endif " Statements : #ifndef .. #else .. #endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_PPIfElse (keyword) let defaultcond = "CONDITION" let identifier=inputdialog("(uppercase) condition for #".a:keyword, defaultcond ) if identifier != "" let @z= "#".a:keyword." ".identifier."\n\n\n" let @z= @z."#else // ----- #".a:keyword." ".identifier." -----\n\n\n" let @z= @z."#endif // ----- #".a:keyword." ".identifier." -----\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Statements : #ifndef .. #define .. #endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_PPIfDef () " use filename without path (:t) and extension (:r) : let defaultcond = toupper(expand("%:t:r"))."_INC" let identifier=inputdialog("(uppercase) condition for #ifndef", defaultcond ) if identifier != "" let @z= "#ifndef ".identifier."\n" let @z= @z."#define ".identifier."\n\n\n" let @z= @z."#endif // ----- #ifndef ".identifier." -----\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Idioms : for( i=0; i0 let tabs = tabs."\t" let n = n-1 endwhile let @z= "class ".classname let @z= @z."\n{\n\n\tpublic:\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== LIFECYCLE =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t".classname." ();\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".tabs."// constructor\n" let @z= @z."\t\t".classname." (const ".classname." &obj);\t// copy constructor\n" let @z= @z."\t\t~".classname." (); \t\t\t\t\t\t".tabs."// destructor\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== OPERATORS =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\tconst ".classname."& operator = (const ".classname." &obj);" let @z= @z."\t\t// assignemnt operator\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== OPERATIONS =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== ACCESS =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== INQUIRY =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== NESTED ERROR CLASSES ===============================\n\n\n" let @z= @z."\tprotected:\n\n" let @z= @z."\tprivate:\n\n" let @z= @z."\n};\t\t\t// ---------- end of class ".classname." ----------\n" let @z= @z."\n\n".classname."::".classname." ()\n{\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of constructor of class ".classname." ----------\n" let @z= @z."\n\n".classname."::".classname." (const ".classname." &obj)\n{\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of copy constructor of class ".classname." ----------\n" let @z= @z."\n\n".classname."::~".classname." ()\n{\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of destructor of class ".classname." ----------\n" let @z= @z."\n\nconst ".classname."&\n".classname."::operator = (const ".classname." &obj)" let @z= @z."\n{\n\tif(this!=&obj)\n\t{\n\n\t}\n\treturn *this;\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of assignment operator of class ".classname." ----------\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : simple error class "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeErrorClass() let classname=inputdialog("name of error class", "Error" ) if classname != "" let @z= "class ".classname let @z= @z."\n{\n\tprotected:\tchar *message;" let @z= @z."\n\tpublic:\t\t\t".classname." (char *msg) { message=msg; }" let @z= @z."\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvirtual const char* what () const throw () { return message; }" let @z= @z."\n};\t\t\t// ---------- end of class ".classname." ----------\n" put z endif endfunction " " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : template class "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeTemplateClass () let classname=inputdialog("name of template class", "TCls" ) if classname != "" let @z= "template < class T >\nclass ".classname let @z= @z."\n{\n\n\tpublic:\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== LIFECYCLE =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t".classname." (); \t// constructor\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// Use compiler-generated copy constructor, assignment operator and destructor\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== OPERATORS =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== OPERATIONS =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== ACCESS =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== INQUIRY =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== NESTED ERROR CLASSES ===============================\n\n\n" let @z= @z."\tprotected:\n\n" let @z= @z."\tprivate:\n\n" let @z= @z."\n};\t\t\t// ---------- end of template class ".classname." ----------\n" let @z= @z."\n\ntemplate < class T >" let @z= @z."\n".classname." < T >:: ".classname." ()\n{\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of constructor of template class ".classname." ----------\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : template class using the new operator "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeTemplateClassNew () let classname=inputdialog("name of template class using new", "TClsN" ) if classname != "" let tabs = "" let n = (strlen(classname)-1)/2 " number of extra tabs while n>0 let tabs = tabs."\t" let n = n-1 endwhile let @z= "template < class T >\nclass ".classname let @z= @z."\n{\n\n\tpublic:\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== LIFECYCLE =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t".classname." ();\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".tabs."// constructor\n" let @z= @z."\t\t".classname." (const ".classname." &obj);\t// copy constructor\n" let @z= @z."\t\t~".classname." (); \t\t\t\t\t\t".tabs."// destructor\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== OPERATORS =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\tconst ".classname."& operator = (const ".classname." &obj);" let @z= @z."\t\t// assignment operator\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== OPERATIONS =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== ACCESS =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== INQUIRY =========================================\n\n" let @z= @z."\t\t// ==================== NESTED ERROR CLASSES ===============================\n\n\n" let @z= @z."\tprotected:\n\n" let @z= @z."\tprivate:\n\n" let @z= @z."\n};\t\t\t// ---------- end of template class ".classname." ----------\n" let @z= @z."\n\ntemplate < class T >" let @z= @z."\n".classname."< T >::".classname." ()\n{\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of constructor of template class ".classname." ----------\n" let @z= @z."\n\ntemplate < class T >" let @z= @z."\n".classname."< T >::".classname." (const ".classname." &obj)\n{\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of copy constructor of template class ".classname." ----------\n" let @z= @z."\n\ntemplate < class T >" let @z= @z."\n".classname."< T >::~".classname." ()\n{\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of destructor of template class ".classname." ----------\n" let @z= @z."\n\ntemplate < class T >" let @z= @z."\nconst ".classname."< T >& ".classname."< T >::operator = (const ".classname." &obj)" let @z= @z."\n{\n\tif(this!=&obj)\n\t{\n\n\t}\n\treturn *this;\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of assignment operator of template class ".classname." ----------\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : template function "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeTemplateFunct () let identifier=inputdialog("template function name", "f" ) if identifier != "" let @z= "template void\n".identifier."\t( T param )\n{\n\n\n\treturn ;\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of template function ".identifier." ----------" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Idioms : enum struct union "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_EST (su) let name= strpart( a:su, 0, 1 ) " first character of argument let name= inputdialog("(lowercase) ".a:su." name", name ) if name != "" " let typename = substitute(name,".*", '\u\0', "" ) " first character to uppercase let typename = name let @z= a:su." ".name."\n{\n\t\n};" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- end of ".a:su." ".name." ----------\n\n" let @z= @z."typedef ".a:su." ".name." ".typename.";\n\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Idioms : malloc "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeMalloc () let pointername= inputdialog("pointer name", "p") if pointername != "" let @z= pointername."\t= malloc ( );" let @z= @z."\n\nif (".pointername."==NULL)\n{" let @z= @z."\n\tfprintf (stderr, \"\\n ** dynamic memory allocation failed ** exit **\\n\" );" let @z= @z."\n\texit(3);\n}" let @z= @z."\n\nfree (".pointername.");\n\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Idioms : open file for reading "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeFopenRead () let filepointer=inputdialog("input-file pointer", "infile") if filepointer != "" let filename=filepointer."_file_name" let @z= "FILE\t*".filepointer.";\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// input-file pointer\n" let @z= @z."char\t*".filename." = \"\";\t\t// input-file name\n\n" let @z= @z.filepointer."\t= fopen ( ".filename.", \"r\" );\n" let @z= @z."if (".filepointer." == NULL)\n{\n" let @z= @z."\tfprintf (stderr, \" ** cannot open input file %s ** exit **\\n\", ".filename." );\n" let @z= @z."\texit (1);\n}\n\n\n" let @z= @z."fclose ( ".filepointer." );\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// close input file\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C-Idioms : open file for writing "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeFopenWrite () let filepointer=inputdialog("output-file pointer", "outfile") if filepointer != "" let filename=filepointer."_file_name" let @z= "FILE\t*".filepointer.";\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// output-file pointer\n" let @z= @z."char\t*".filename." = \"\";\t// output-file name\n\n" let @z= @z.filepointer."\t= fopen ( ".filename.", \"w\" );\n" let @z= @z."if (".filepointer." == NULL)\n{\n" let @z= @z."\tfprintf (stderr, \" ** cannot open output file %s ** exit **\\n\", ".filename." );\n" let @z= @z."\texit (2);\n}\n\n\n" let @z= @z."fclose ( ".filepointer." );\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// close output file\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : open file for reading "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeIfstream () let ifstreamobject=inputdialog("ifstream object", "ifs" ) if ifstreamobject != "" let filename=ifstreamobject."_file_name" let @z= "char *".filename." = \"\";\t\t// input file name\n" let @z= @z."ifstream\t".ifstreamobject.";\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// create ifstream object\n\n" let @z= @z.ifstreamobject.".open(".filename.");\t\t// open ifstream\n" let @z= @z."if (!".ifstreamobject.")\n{\n" let @z= @z."\tcerr << \"\\nERROR : failed to open input file \" << ".filename." << \" --- exit program\\n\";\n" let @z= @z."\texit (1);\n}\n\n\n" let @z= @z.ifstreamobject.".close();\t\t// close ifstream\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : open file for writing "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeOfstream () let ofstreamobject=inputdialog("ofstream object", "ofs" ) if ofstreamobject != "" let filename=ofstreamobject."_file_name" let @z= "char *".filename." = \"\";\t\t// output file name\n" let @z= @z."ofstream\t".ofstreamobject.";\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// create ofstream object\n\n" let @z= @z.ofstreamobject.".open(".filename.");\t\t// open ofstream\n" let @z= @z."if (!".ofstreamobject.")\n{\n" let @z= @z."\tcerr << \"\\nERROR : failed to open output file \" << ".filename." << \" --- exit program\\n\";\n" let @z= @z."\texit (2);\n}\n\n\n" let @z= @z.ofstreamobject.".close();\t\t// close ofstream\n" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : extern "C" "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeExternC() let @z= "extern \"C\"\n{\n\t#include\t\".h\"\n}" put z endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : output operator "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeOutputOperator () let identifier=inputdialog("class name", "" ) if identifier != "" let @z= "friend ostream &\noperator << (ostream & os, const ".identifier." & obj )\n" let @z= @z."{\n\tos << obj. ;\n\treturn os;\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- class ".identifier." : end of friend function operator << ----------" put z endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : input operator "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeInputOperator () let identifier=inputdialog("class name", "" ) if identifier != "" let @z= "friend istream &\noperator >> (istream & is, ".identifier." & obj )" let @z= @z."\n{\n\tis >> obj. ;\n\treturn is;\n}" let @z= @z."\t\t\t\t// ---------- class ".identifier." : end of friend function operator >> ----------" put z endif endfunction " " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : try catch "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeTryCatch () let @z= "try\n{\n\t\n}\n" let @z= @z."catch (const &ExceptObj)\t\t// handle exception: \n{\n\t\n}\n" let @z= @z."catch (...)\t\t\t// handle exception: unspezified\n{\n\t\n}" put z endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C++ : catch "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_CodeCatch () let @z= "catch (const &ExceptObj)\t\t// handle exception: \n{\n\t\n}\n" put z endfunction ""------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " run : CVIM_Compile "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " The standard make program 'make' called by vim is set to the C or C++ compiler " and reset after the compilation (set makeprg=... ). " The errorfile created by the compiler will now be read by gvim and " the commands cl, cp, cn, ... can be used. " " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_Compile () let Sou = expand("%") " name of the file in the current buffer let Obj = expand("%:r").".o" " name of the object let Ext = expand("%:e") " file extension " update : write source file if necessary exe ":update" " compilation if object does not exist or object exists and is older then the source if !filereadable(Obj) || (filereadable(Obj) && (getftime(Obj) < getftime(Sou))) if Ext == s:CVIM_CExtension exe "set makeprg=".s:CVIM_CCompiler else exe "set makeprg=".s:CVIM_CplusCompiler endif " COMPILATION exe "make ".s:CVIM_CFlags." ".Sou." -o ".Obj exe "set makeprg=make" endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " run : CVIM_Link "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " The standard make program which is used by gvim is set to the compiler " (for linking) and reset after linking. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_Link () call CVIM_Compile() let Sou = expand("%") " name of the file in the current buffer let Obj = expand("%:r").".o" " name of the object file let Exe = expand("%:r").".e" " name of the executable let Ext = expand("%:e") " file extension " no linkage if: " executable exists " object exists " source exists " executable newer then object " object newer then source if filereadable(Exe) && \ filereadable(Obj) && \ filereadable(Sou) && \ (getftime(Exe) >= getftime(Obj)) && \ (getftime(Obj) >= getftime(Sou)) return endif " linkage if: " object exists " source exists " object newer then source if filereadable(Obj) && (getftime(Obj) >= getftime(Sou)) if Ext == s:CVIM_CExtension exe "set makeprg=".s:CVIM_CCompiler else exe "set makeprg=".s:CVIM_CplusCompiler endif exe "make ".s:CVIM_LFlags." ".s:CVIM_Libs." -o ".Exe." ".Obj exe "set makeprg=make" endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " run : CVIM_Run "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_Run (arg1) let Sou = expand("%") " name of the source file let Obj = expand("%:r").".o" " name of the object file let Exe = expand("%:r").".e" " name of the executable call CVIM_Link() " compile+link the file in the current buffer " exe exists and is newer then the object, the object is newer then the source " this prevents an old executable from running in the case of compilation or link errors if filereadable(Exe) && getftime(Exe) >= getftime(Obj) && getftime(Obj) >= getftime(Sou) if a:arg1==0 exe "!./".Exe." ".s:CVIM_CmdLineArgs else exe "!./".Exe." ".s:CVIM_CmdLineArgs." | ".s:CVIM_Pager endif endif endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " run : Arguments "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_Arguments () let s:CVIM_CmdLineArgs= inputdialog("command line arguments",s:CVIM_CmdLineArgs) endfunction " " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " run : about "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_Version () let dummy=confirm("C/C++-Support, Version ".s:CVIM_Version."\nDr. Fritz Mehner\nmehner@fh-swf.de", "ok" ) endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " c : CVIM_CreateUnLoadMenuEntries " Create the load/unload entry in the GVIM tool menu, depending on " which script is already loaded. " Author: M.Faulstich "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:CVIM_Active = -1 " state variable controlling the C-menus " function! CVIM_CreateUnLoadMenuEntries () " " C is now active and was former inactive -> " Insert Tools.Unload and remove Tools.Load Menu if s:CVIM_Active == 1 aunmenu Tools.Load\ C\ Support amenu &Tools.Unload\ C\ Support :call CVIM_HandleC() else " C is now inactive and was former active or in initial state -1 if s:CVIM_Active == 0 " Remove Tools.Unload if C was former inactive aunmenu Tools.Unload\ C\ Support else " Set initial state CVIM_Active=-1 to inactive state CVIM_Active=0 " This protects from removing Tools.Unload during initialization after " loading this script let s:CVIM_Active = 0 " Insert Tools.Load endif amenu &Tools.Load\ C\ Support :call CVIM_HandleC() endif " " endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " C : CVIM_HandleC " Loads or unloads C support menus. " Author: M.Faulstich "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! CVIM_HandleC () if s:CVIM_Active == 0 :call CVIM_InitC() let s:CVIM_Active = 1 else aunmenu C-Comments aunmenu C-Statements aunmenu C-Idioms aunmenu C++ aunmenu C-Run let s:CVIM_Active = 0 endif call CVIM_CreateUnLoadMenuEntries () endfunction " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " call CVIM_CreateUnLoadMenuEntries() " create the menu entry in the GVIM tool menu call CVIM_HandleC() " load the menus "=====================================================================================