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netrw.vim : Network oriented reading, writing, and browsing (keywords: netrw ftp scp)

 script karma  Rating 86/23, Downloaded by 298

created by
Charles Campbell
script type
Netrw supports reading and writing of files across networks.  One may use the Nread and Nwrite commands, or one may use the transparency support.  Currently vim as distributed comes with an earlier version of netrw (as of version 6.0).  This copy of netrw also supports browsing, both of remote and of local directories.  It is expected that it will go into vim 7.0.  Please report any bugs to [email protected] - NOSPAM.

    Example:  vim ftp://user@machine/path

(the following table should be columnar if fixed-width fonts are used in your browser)

        :Nread ?                                        give help
        :Nread "machine:path"                           uses rcp
        :Nread "machine path"                           uses ftp   with <.netrc>
        :Nread "machine id password path"               uses ftp
        :Nread "dav://machine[:port]/path"              uses cadaver
        :Nread "fetch://[user@]machine/path"            uses fetch
        :Nread "ftp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/path"    uses ftp   autodetects <.netrc>
        :Nread "http://[user@]machine/path"             uses http  uses wget
        :Nread "rcp://[user@]machine/path"              uses rcp
        :Nread "rsync://[user@]machine[:port]/path"     uses rsync
        :Nread "scp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/path"    uses scp
        :Nread "sftp://[user@]machine/path"             uses sftp

        :Nwrite ?                                       give help
        :Nwrite "machine:path"                          uses rcp
        :Nwrite "machine path"                          uses ftp   with <.netrc>
        :Nwrite "machine id password path"              uses ftp
        :Nwrite "dav://machine[:port]/path"             uses cadaver
        :Nwrite "ftp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/path"   uses ftp   autodetects <.netrc>
        :Nwrite "rcp://[user@]machine/path"             uses rcp
        :Nwrite "rsync://[user@]machine[:port]/path"    uses rsync
        :Nwrite "scp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/path"   uses scp
        :Nwrite "sftp://[user@]machine/path"            uses sftp
        http: not supported!

        :Nread [protocol]://[user]@hostname/path/

Netrw supports browsing both local and remote directories.  For remote directory browsing, one must include a trailing slash (/) on the path!  The interface resembles the file explorer that comes with vim v6.3 and earlier.  Variables which control optional behavior are different, however.

The first version number refers to netrw.vim itself; the second one refers to NetrwFileHandlers.vim.  With this new feature, one may press "x" when atop a file and invoke an extension-based file handler to do things like show image files, invoke ghostscript on PostScript files, etc.
install details
1. Change directory to your .vim/ or vimfiles\ directory.
2. Move the netrw.tar.bz2 file to your .vim/ (vimfiles\) directory.
3. bunzip2 netrw.tar.bz2
4. tar -oxvf netrw.tar

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
netrw.tar.gz 51 2004-10-08 6.0 Charles Campbell FileWriteCmd event used (supports :[range]w url) supports directory history stack, automatic cygwin use detected (windows), error messages remain visible, bug fixes
netrw.tar.gz 50 2004-09-14 6.0 Charles Campbell Directory buffers should now retain their names unchanged (bt=nofile).  Unwanted "[No File]" buffers are removed. Bookmarks can be retained with "!" in viminfo.  Bugs fixed.
netrw.tar.gz 48 2004-09-10 6.0 Charles Campbell Many things (see :help netrw-history), including:
remote browsing with ftp, bookmarks, nrml/hide/show, improved x, bugfixes, alt-o/v, preview

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