-- VIM Distribution Sites -- Last change: 2021 Aug 31
Vim can be found at:
https://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/vim/ Holland, Amsterdam *1
https://www.vim8.org/pub/vim/ Holland, Amsterdam
ftp://ftp.home.vim.org/pub/vim/ Holland, Amsterdam
rsync://ftp.vim.org/Vim Holland, Amsterdam
*1 different domain, because that's what the certificate is for
HTTPS mirror of ftp site:
https://ftp.stu.edu.tw/pub/vim/ Taiwan, Kaohsiung *2
https://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/pub/vim/ Greece, Heraklion
https://ftp.pl.vim.org/pub/vim/ Poland, Oswiecim
https://www.mirrorservice.org/pub/vim/ England, Kent
https://ftp.cz.vim.org/pub/vim Czechia, Prague *3
https://vim.mirror.garr.it/pub/vim/ Italy, Rome
https://vim.astra.in.ua/ Ukraine, Lviv
*2 https mirror of http://ftp2.tw.vim.org/pub/vim/
*3 redirects to https://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/pub/vim/
HTTP mirror of ftp site:
http://ftp2.tw.vim.org/pub/vim/ Taiwan, Kaohsiung
http://mirrors.standaloneinstaller.com/vim France, Strasbourg
http://ftp.gr.vim.org/pub/vim/ Greece, Heraklion
http://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/pub/vim/ Czechia, Prague
http://ftp.pl.vim.org/pub/vim Poland, Oswiecim
http://ftp2.pl.vim.org/pub/vim Poland, Oswiecim
http://mirror.netinch.com/pub/vim/ Finland, Tampere
http://ftp2.uk.vim.org/pub/vim/ England, Kent
http://ftp2.jp.vim.org/pub/vim Japan, Tsukuba
http://ftp2.kr.vim.org/pub/vim/ Korea, Daejeon
http://www.netgull.com/vim USA, Dallas
http://mirror.metrocast.net/vim USA, NH, Rochester
http://ftp.cz.vim.org/pub/vim Czechia, Prague *4
http://vim.astra.in.ua/ Ukraine, Lviv
*4 redirects to http://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/pub/vim/
FTP Mirrors:
ftp://ftp.ca.vim.org/pub/vim/ Canada, Burlington
ftp://ftp.nl.vim.org/pub/vim/ Holland, Amsterdam
ftp://ftp.de.vim.org/ Germany, Berlin
ftp://ftp3.de.vim.org/pub/vim/ Germany, Oldenburg
ftp://ftp.cz.vim.org/pub/vim Czechia, Prague
ftp://ftp.uk.vim.org/pub/vim/ England, London
ftp://ftp2.uk.vim.org/pub/vim/ England, Kent
ftp://mirror.netinch.com/pub/vim/ Finland, Tampere
ftp://ftp.gr.vim.org/pub/vim/ Greece, Heraklion
+ ftp://ftp.pl.vim.org/pub/vim/ Poland, Warsaw
ftp://ftp2.pl.vim.org/pub/vim Poland, Oswiecim
ftp://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/pub/vim/ Czechia, Prague
ftp://vim.tsu.ru/pub/vim Russia, Tomsk
ftp://ftp2.tw.vim.org/pub/vim Taiwan, Kaohsiung
ftp://ftp.jp.vim.org/pub/vim/ Japan, Tokyo
ftp://ftp.kr.vim.org/pub/vim/ Korea, Seoul
RSYNC mirrors of the ftp site:
rsync://ftp.nl.vim.org/Vim Holland, Amsterdam
rsync://ftp2.uk.vim.org/ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/ England, Kent
rsync://mirrors.standaloneinstaller.com/vim France, Strasbourg
rsync://ftp.pl.vim.org/pub/vim/ Poland, Warsaw
rsync://ftp.ca.vim.org/vim Canada, Burlington
rsync://ftp2.jp.vim.org/vim Japan, Tsukuba
rsync://ftp2.kr.vim.org/vim/ Korea, Daejeon
rsync://vim.astra.in.ua/vim Ukraine, Lviv
? Might not always work
+ Also keeps older versions
- Not up to date
x Some files are compressed to .gz
= Can list contents of archives, nice!
You can get the most recent version from Github, see:
Or use Mercurial, see:
The MacVim source can be found here:
If you set up a mirror:
- always mirror from ftp://ftp.home.vim.org/pub/vim/
- please use the "/pub/vim" directory, so we can make an alias
- send a message to [email protected] to get an entry in this list and an
ftp.<country>.vim.org alias
If you see an error in this file, please report it to Bram Moolenaar
(Bram AT vim.org). vim: set et: