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java_src_link.vim : effective searching of src files for children, impls, tests, return values, args

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created by
Eric Van Dewoestine
script type
"   Filetype plugin for java that allows you to jump to
"   another java src file by searching your configured
"   src path for the class name under the cursor.
"   For a given class name, supports finding children of it, implementations
"   of it, methods that return it, methods that take it as an argument, test
"   cases for it, or all references of it.
" Platform:
"   This plugin uses the system find and grep commands extensively,
"   so if you are having issues, it's probably due to incompatibility
"   with one of those.  You can take a look at s:find_cmd, s:content_grep,
"   and s:*_regex variables to see if they can be modified to suit your
"   system.
"   If you find that you do have to modify any of these, feel free to
"   send me your changes, and I will see if they are compatable or make
"   alternate configurations available for users to choose from.
"   All my testing was done with
"     GNU find version 4.1.20
"     GNU grep version 2.5.1
"   Linux:
"     All testing has been done on linux so various flavors of linux
"     should be supported (as well as other *nix systems).
"   Windows:
"     Works in conjunction with cygwin_utils.vim plugin.
"     Make sure to read the Description comments in cygwin_utils.vim for
"     configuration instructions and other notes.
"     Note: I've found that the 'find' command runs considerably
"     slower on Windows enviroments.  So if you have serveral
"     paths in you g:JavaSrcPaths variable, then searching may
"     be a bit slow.
" Usage:
"   When editing a java file the following commands are created
"    :FindSrc
"    :FindImpl
"    :FindChildren
"    :ContextualFindSrc
"    :FindTest
"    :FindArgument
"    :FindReturned
"    :FindReferenced
"   FindSrc: will search for the src file for the class name under the
"   cursor and execute the configured g:JavaSrcCmd on it (unless
"   g:JavaSrcUseGrep is set to 1), which could do any number of
"   things such as edit, argadd, split, etc.
"   FindImpl: behaves just like FindSrc, except instead of searching for
"   the class name under the cursor, it searches for classes that
"   implement that class.
"   FindChildren: behaves just like FindSrc, except instead of searching
"   for the class name under the cursor, it searches for classes that
"   extend that class.
"   ContextualFindSrc: is a convenience command that decides which of the
"   above commands to execute (FindSrc, FindImpl, or FindChildren) based
"   on your position in the file.
"   - If you are on the class declaration line (public class Foo), then
"     it will execute FindChildren.
"   - If you are on the interface declaration line (public interface Foo),
"     then it will execute FindImpl.
"   - Any where else in the file, FindSrc will be executed.
"   FindTest: behaves like FindSrc, except instead of searching
"   for the class name under the cursor, it searches for the test
"   case src file for the class.
"     This command assumes that test case src files follow the junit
"     naming conventions of "<classname>Test.java" where the <classname>
"     is the name of the class under the cursor.
"   FindArgument: behaves like FindSrc, except instead of searching
"   for the class name under the cursor, it searches for all src files
"   that have a method that takes as an argument, that class.
"   FindReturned: behaves like FindSrc, except instead of searching
"   for the class name under the cursor, it searches for all src files
"   that have a method that returns that class.
"   FindReferenced: behaves like FindSrc, except instead of searching
"   for the class name under the cursor, it searches for all src files
"   that reference that class.
"   Note: All of the above commands (with the exception of ContextualFindSrc)
"   can also be invoked with an argument.
"     Ex.
"       FindSrc org.bar.Foo
"   This will invoke the command so it searches for the class name provided
"   rather than the one under the cursor.  You may use fully qualified
"   (org.bar.Foo) or un-qualified (Foo) class names.
"   Note: All of these find commands will attempt to filter out
"   results that reference a different class that has the same
"   class name as the one to search for.  It does this by attempting
"   to locate the package name of the class to search for.
"     For example: If you have two classes with the name Foo
"     one in com.bar.Foo and the other in com.bar.baz.Foo, and you
"     start a search for the class Foo, then this plugin will attempt
"     to determine which Foo you are searching for.
"     If you are editing one of the Foo classes, and you initiated the
"     search with the cursor on the class declaration (public class Foo),
"     then the package (package com.bar;)  declaration of the file will
"     be used to narrow the results to the correct Foo class.
"     If you are in another file (say Bar.java) and you start a search
"     for Foo, then the plugin will look to see if you used the fully
"     qualified class name (com.bar.Foo) or if you imported the class
"     (import com.bar.Foo;).  If you did either then the package name
"     will be grabbed from there.  If you have done neither, then the
"     plugin will return results for all Foo occurances regardless
"     of package name.
"     So the moral of the story is, that if you want accurate results
"     you should get in the habit of importing each class seperately
"     and avoiding the * imports (import com.bar.*;).  This is a good
"     habit anyways, that makes your code easier to read, navigate, and
"     understand by others.
" Configuration:
"   The following describes the global variables you can set in
"   your vimrc to change the behavior of this plugin.
"     g:JavaSrcPaths
"       No default.  Use this variable to set a comma seperated list
"       of the paths you wish to have searched. Each path should be
"       the parent directory of where your package structure begins.
"       So for /a/path/src/java/org/acme/, assumming packages begin
"       as org, you would use /a/path/src/java as the path to search.
"       Ex.  let g:JavaSrcPaths=
"              \ "/a/path/src/java," .
"              \ "/another/path/src/java"
"     g:JavaSrcTestPaths
"       No default. Same as g:JavaSrcPaths but used by FindTest to
"       locate unit testing src files.
"     g:JavaSrcShowResults
"       Defaults to 0.  When set to 1, the Find commands will open
"       a small preview window when multiple results have been found.
"       In that window you can hit <enter> on the file you wish
"       to open or use 'A' to load all results into the arg list.
"       Ex. let g:JavaSrcShowResults=1
"     g:JavaSrcUseGrep
"       Defaults to 1.  When set to 1, the Find commands will use vim's
"       :grep command to grep the results so that results can be
"       navigated through using the quickfix command :cnext :cprev
"       :copen, etc.
"       Note: When g:JavaSrcShowResults is set, then grep is not used
"             regardless of whether g:JavaSrcUseGrep is set or not.
"       Ex. let g:JavaSrcUseGrep=1
"       Use
"         :help quickfix.txt
"       to get more info on how grep and the quickfix paradigm works.
"     Note: When both g:JavaSrcShowResults and g:JavaSrcUseGrep are set
"           to 0, then the g:JavaSrcCmd is executed on all files found
"           with no preview or quickfix window.
"     g:JavaSrcCwindow
"       Defaults to 1.  Used to determine whether or not to execute
"       :cwindow to open the grep results after searching.  If set
"       to 1, the window will be opened after every Find command.
"       If set to 0, the window will remain closed and you can open
"       it manually.
"       Note:  Only used when g:JavaSrcUseGrep is set to 1 and
"              g:JavaSrcShowResults is set to 0.
"       Ex. let g:JavaSrcCwindow=1
"     g:JavaSrcCmd
"       Defaults to "split <file>".  Use this variable to set the
"       command you wish to be invoked when using :Find* commands.
"       The "<file>" will be replace with the file to open.
"       Note: When g:JavaSrcShowResults is set to 0 and
"             g:JavaSrcUseGrep is set to 1, this variable is not
"             used.  Instead the quickfix commands are used.
"       Ex. let g:JavaSrcCmd="topleft split <file>"
"       Ex. let g:JavaSrcCmd="argedit <file>"
"       Ex. let g:JavaSrcCmd="call g:MyOpenFile(<file>)"
" Command Mapping:
"   You may find it easier to map a command to something more convenient.
"   For example, here is my mapping that allows me to simply hit
"   <enter> on a class name to have it search for results based on the
"   context (as described above).
"     autocmd FileType java map <silent> <buffer> <cr> :ContextualFindSrc<cr>
" Limitations:
"   - FindChildren and FindImpl are limited to examining class names
"     that follow "extends" | "implements" on the same line.  So src files
"     that put each class on it's own line or wrap long extends / implements
"     statements may not be found.
"     This is a limitation of grep, which is used to find the files.
"     This could be solved by further examining the contents of src files
"     but would have a big impact on performance.
"   - FindReturned only searches for methods with "public" | "private" |
"     "protected" so as not to grab too many files.  Also the scope identifier
"     must appear on the same line as the class name.
"     As with the limitation on FindChildren and FileImpl, this is due to
"     grep examining the files one line at a time, which prevents examining
"     other lines to determine any sort of context.
" Todo:
"   - Extend beyond class based searching and add method and field based
"     searches (fields should be easy, methods could be hard to get reliable
"     results).
install details
Put java_src_link.vim into your ftplugin directory.

Windows users will need cygwin_utils.vim (vimscript #1150)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
java_src_link.vim 0.4 2004-12-05 6.0 Eric Van Dewoestine - Now supported on Windows platform.
ip used for rating:

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