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TabBar : Plugin to add tab bar ( derived from miniBufExplorer).

 script karma  Rating 629/320, Downloaded by 18846  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Marius Groleo
script type
The plugin is derived from miniBufExplorer.
Only the modifiable buffer are displayed, and counted.
Key-bindings for buffer switching: <Alt-bufNumber>
Colored the tabs with the same color as StatusLineNC to create the impression
of tabs.

TabBar in winxp cmd:

and gvim on winxp

and gvim on linux+ion3
install details
download tabbar.vim
For *nix:
cp tabbar.vim $HOME/.vim/plugin

For windows
cp tabbar.vim c:\vim_location\vimfiles\plugin

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
tabbar.vim 0.7 2006-01-16 6.0 Marius Groleo Fixed Bruce Who "<<" issue.
tabbar.vim 0.6 2005-12-12 6.0 Marius Groleo vim 6 compatible
tabbar.vim 0.5 2005-12-11 6.0 Marius Groleo Fixed the "delete buffer with d" bug.
Now it should work ok.
tabbar.vim 0.4 2005-11-29 6.0 Marius Groleo Copyright issues are worked out: I spelled wrong Bindu Wavell, as Bindu Well
tabbar.vim 0.3 2005-11-23 6.0 Marius Groleo Aaron Griffin added g:Tb_SplitToEdge.
tabbar.vim 0.2 2005-08-30 6.0 Marius Groleo Added bindings for INSERT mode too( 0.1 has bindings only for NORMAL mode).
Cleaned the code and removed some redundant variables.
tabbar.vim 0.1 2005-08-29 6.0 Marius Groleo Initial upload
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