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cobol.zip : COBOL indent plugin:  Understands COBOL's awkward use of columns

 script karma  Rating 29/12, Downloaded by 3531  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
Shipped with Vim as of 7.1

The indent plugin understands the column requirements of COBOL (Area A vs. Area B, comment indicator indented 6 spaces, etc.) and also neatly formats nested blocks and fields.  It works quite well for the code I have used it with; further feedback is appreciated.

The ftplugin is designed to help comply with COBOL's insane column requirements.  <C-T>, <C-D>, and <Tab> are remapped in insert mode to stop in columns 1, 7, 8 (Area A), and 12 (Area B) before switching to the use of shiftwidth/softtabstop.  In normal mode, << and >> are remapped to ignore the first 7 columns, and with Vim 7, < and > serve as more general operator maps (>ap to indent a paragraph).  These two behaviors (insert vs. normal mode) are a bit different but generally what one would expect.

This script works well coupled with vimscript #1654 .
install details
Unzip in ~/.vim or ~\vimfiles (Windows).  The filetype is already detected by Vim.

An autocmd similar to the following is recommended for optimal use (place in your vimrc):

autocmd FileType cobol set sw=4 sts=4 et sta tw=72

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
cobol.zip 2.0 2009-12-22 6.0 Tim Pope Distribute indent and ftplugin together
cobol.vim 1.2 2006-11-08 6.0 Tim Pope Indent after ELSE
cobol.vim 1.1 2006-09-13 6.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
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