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fortran.vim : Additional indentation rules for Fortran 95 and Fortran 90

 script karma  Rating 115/61, Downloaded by 13715  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Sébastien Burton
script type
This script provides additional indentation rules (continued statements; preprocessor instructions; subroutine, function and forall statements) to Ajit J. Thakkar's Vim indent script for Fortran free source form.
install details
Place the fortran.vim file in the $HOME/.vim/after/indent/ directory.

In order to use this script, you must use Ajit J. Thakkar's Vim scripts for Fortran. Those should already be part of your Vim installation (in the $VIMRUNTIME directory). If not, you may find them at http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/science/chem/ajit/f_vim.htm

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
fortran.vim 0.4 2011-05-25 7.0 Sébastien Burton Update indentation rules for subroutine, function and forall statements (it now supports "recursive" statement and "type function", thank you Hong Xu!), e.g.: "recursive pure subroutine", "elemental integer(2) function", "type(my_type) function"...
fortran.vim 0.3.1 2008-09-22 7.0 Sébastien Burton Update indentkeys
fortran.vim 0.3 2008-09-22 7.0 Sébastien Burton Indentation rules for subroutine, function and forall statements. Bug correction in the buffer behaviour.
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