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Match Bracket for Objective-C : Automatically inserts matching starting bracket when ] is pressed.

 script karma  Rating 62/20, Downloaded by 2451  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Michael Sanders
script type
This is essentially TextMate's "Insert Matching Start Bracket" feature implemented in vim script. Makes it a lot more pleasant to write Objective-C.

Just type ] in insert mode after an object or method you want to wrap in brackets and this will wrap it appropriately; to escape out of it once you're finished, simply type ] again.

For instance, where | is the cursor:

"foo|" becomes "[foo |]" after ] is pressed.
"foo bar|" becomes "[foo bar]|"
"foo: bar|" becomes "foo: [bar |]"
"foo bar: baz|" becomes "[foo bar: baz]|"

Certain useful keywords are also wrapped intelligently, for example:
"return foo|" becomes "return [foo ]|"
"@selector: foo|" becomes "[@selector: foo]|"

Hope you like it!
install details
Move objc_matchbracket.vim to ~/.vim/ftplugin or equivalent.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
objc_matchbracket.vim 0.8 2009-06-09 7.0 Michael Sanders Fixed behavior when dealing with colons (e.g. "foo bar: baz]") and when popup menu is visible.
objc_matchbracket.vim 0.5 2009-05-03 7.0 Michael Sanders Fixed some bugs, and fixed behavior when wrapping past a symbols such as "!" (e.g. !foo bar -> ![foo bar]).
objc_matchbracket.vim 0.3 2009-03-31 7.0 Michael Sanders Fixed a bug when inserting ] after "return" or inside braces or parentheses (e.g., "if (foo])"), and fixed behavior when inserting ] with no text.
objc_matchbracket.vim 0.2 2009-02-27 7.0 Michael Sanders Initial upload
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