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Rainbow Parentheses Improved : shorter code, no level limit, smooth and fast, powerful configuration.

 script karma  Rating 3668/1082, Downloaded by 14288  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
luo chen
script type
More details in Github: http://github.com/luochen1990/rainbow

(这里有中文版: http://github.com/luochen1990/rainbow/blob/master/README_zh.md)

Any problem, create a new issue here: http://github.com/luochen1990/rainbow/issues


### What is improved ?

- smoother and faster. (linear time complexity)
- the code is shorter and easier to be read now. (shorter than 100 lines)
- no limit of parentheses levels.
- separately edit guifgs and ctermfgs (the colors used to highlight)
- now you can design your own parentheses  such as 'begin' and 'end' . (you can also design  what kinds of parentheses to use for different filetypes. )
- you can also configure seprately for different type of files.
- now you can even decide to let some operators (like + - * / , ==) hilighted with the parentheses together.
- now json style configuration used, more understandable and more readable, easily for advanced configuration.
- the last , but not the least , the chinese statement is added as you see.

### scripts I referenced:
- https://www.vim8.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1561
- https://www.vim8.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3772

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install details
go to Github http://github.com/luochen1990/rainbow for more details

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
rainbow.vim 3.4.0 2015-11-18 7.3 luo chen new: Rainbow Syntax Cluster
compatibility: work with NeoVim
rainbow.vim 3.3.1 2014-12-02 7.3 luo chen spell checking and folding problems fixed.
rainbow.vim 3.3.0 2014-08-09 7.3 luo chen configuration format modified, option containedin moved into parentheses; multi sub-region supported; configuration for php updated; configuration for css added.
rainbow.vim 3.2.3 2014-08-06 7.3 luo chen compatibility with other syntax plugins improved.
rainbow.vim 3.2.2 2014-07-31 7.3 luo chen code reduced; configuration method for parentheses extended.
rainbow.vim 3.2.1 2014-07-08 7.3 luo chen default configuration for html/xhtml/xml updated, tag matchs more accurate now.
rainbow.vim 3.2.0 2014-07-07 7.3 luo chen default configuration reduced; html self-closing tags properly treated.
rainbow.vim 3.1.3 2014-04-30 7.3 luo chen fixed: highlighting missing when switching colorsheme.
rainbow.vim 3.1.1 2014-01-06 7.3 luo chen default configuration updated for more special filetypes
rainbow.vim 3.1 2014-01-03 7.3 luo chen syntax fold supported; separately configuration easier.
rainbow.vim 3.0 2014-01-01 7.3 luo chen json style configuration supported.
rainbow.vim 2.51 2012-11-18 7.3 luo chen * added a shorter command :Rainbow instead of :RainbowToggle to toggle it
* comment updated
rainbow.vim 2.5 2012-11-10 7.3 luo chen *!! now you can choose to add operators which will be hilighted with the parentheses they are contained.
*you can also config it separately for each type of file.
rainbow.vim 2.41 2012-10-27 7.3 luo chen *updated the advanced configuration demo of 2.4
*a little change of code
rainbow.vim 2.4 2012-10-23 7.3 luo chen *higher priority of syntax definition.
*now you can define the parentheses used for each type of file separately.
*script details about configuration updated.
rainbow.vim 2.3 2012-09-09 7.3 luo chen * you can use global variables to set this plugin now . which makes it easier to make your vimrc portable . (read the comment  in the rainbow.vim to know more)
rainbow.vim 2.2 2012-09-03 7.3 luo chen *bug fixed: now your own syntax highlighting won't be covered .
*changed colors: now 5 colors is reserved .
rainbow.vim 2.1 2012-08-22 7.3 luo chen * now you needn't to set the max levels of parentheses. It can automatically use the colors circularly. (and the time complexity is linear dependent on the number of colors)
rainbow_parentheses.vim 2.01 2012-08-22 7.3 luo chen *fixed the bug of RPToggle of version 2.0 , now called RainbowToggle
rainbow_parentheses.vim 2.0 2012-08-21 7.3 luo chen *smoother and can be deeper.
*now you can design your own parentheses like 'begin..end'.
*separately edit guifg and ctermfg now, which makes config easier
*shorter code and simpler document.
*added a command : RPToggle
rainbow_parentheses_improved.zip 1.01 2012-08-17 7.3 luo chen 1. no global variable used. (不再使用全局变量进行设置)
2. fixed the bug of treating '<' and '>' as brackets even don't need to highlighting them.(修正关于大于号、小于号的bug)
3. simple configuration.(现在设置更简单)
4. completed document.(现在有完整的文档帮助进行更详细设置)
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