Tip #305: Best of VIM Tips (VIM's best Features)
tip karma |
Rating 2047/655, Viewed by 37078
created: |
August 10, 2002 6:05 |
complexity: |
intermediate |
author: |
zzapper |
as of Vim: |
5.7 |
Here's a necessarily cryptic list of "MY" Best Vim Tips that I've gleaned
from http://vim.sf.net/ ;& comp.editors
updated version at http://www.rayninfo.co.uk/vimtips.html
# Absolutely essential
vim.sf.net : Visit frequently
comp.editors : "VIM" dominated newsgroup
* # g* g# : find word under cursor (forwards/backwards)
% : match brackets {}[]()
matchit.vim : % now matches tags <tr><td><script> etc
<C-N> <C-P> : word completion in insert mode
<C-X><C-L> : Line complete SUPER USEFUL
/<C-R><C-W> : Pull <cword> onto search/command line
:set ignorecase # you nearly always want this
:syntax on : colour syntax in Perl,HTML,PHP etc
:h slash<C-D> : type control-D and get a list all help topics containing
slash (plus use TAB for Help completion)
:nmap ,s :source $VIM/_vimrc
:nmap ,v :e $VIM/_vimrc
:vmap sb "zdi<b><C-R>z</b><ESC> : wrap <b></b> around VISUALLY selected Text
:vmap st "zdi<?= <C-R>z ?><ESC> : wrap <?= ?> around VISUALLY selected Text
# Exploring
:Ex : file explorer note capital Ex
\be : builtin buffer explorer
:ls : list of buffers(eg following)
:cd .. : move to parent directory
# Great
guu : lowercase line
gUU : uppercase line
gf : open file name under cursor (SUPER)
ga : display hex,ascii value of character under cursor
ggVGg? : rot13 whole file
CTRL-A,CTRL-X : increment,decerement number under cursor
win32 users must remap CNTRL-A
CTRL-R=5*5 : insert 25 into text
# Makes all other tips superfluous
:h 42
:h holy-grail
# Markers & moving about
'. : jump to last modification line (SUPER)
`. : jump to exact spot in last modification line
<C-O> : retrace your movements in file (old)
<C-I> : retrace your movements in file (new)
:help jump-motions
:history : list of all your commands
# Abbreviations & maps
:map <f7> :'a,'bw! c:/aaa/x
:map <f8> :r c:/aaa/x
:map <f9> :w<CR>:!c:/php/php.exe %<CR>
:map <f11> :.w! c:/aaa/xr<CR>
:map <f12> :r c:/aaa/xr<CR>
:ab php : list of abbreviations beginning php
:map , : list of maps beginning ,
# For use in Maps
<CR> : carriage Return for maps
<ESC> : Escape
<LEADER> : normally \
<BAR> : | pipe
# List your Registers
:reg : display contents of all registers
"1p.... : retrieve numeric buffers
# Useful trick
"ayy@a : execute "Vim command" in a text file
yy@" : same thing using unnamed register
# Get output from other commands
:r!ls.exe : reads in output of ls
!!date : same thing
:%!sort -u : use an external program to filter content
# Multiple Files Management
:wn : write file and move to next (SUPER)
:bd : remove file from buffer list (SUPER)
:sav php.html : Save current file as php.html and "move" to php.html
:sp fred.txt : open fred.txt into a split
:e! : return to unmodified file
:w c:/aaa/% : save file elsewhere
:e # : edit alternative file
:e %
:rew : rewwind to first file in ARGS
:bn : next file
:bp : next file
# Recording (BEST TIP of ALL)
qq # record to q
your commands
@q to execute
@@ to Repeat
# editing a register/recording
<you can now see register contents, edit as required>
# _vimrc essentials
:set incsearch : jumps to search word as you type (annoying but excellent)
:set wildignore=*.o,*.obj,*.bak,*.exe
:set shiftwidth=3
# launching Win IE
:nmap ,f :update<CR>:silent !start c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe file://%:p<CR>
:nmap ,i :update<CR>: !start c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe <cWORD><CR>
# FTPing from VIM
cmap ,r :Nread
cmap ,w :Nwrite
# appending to registers (use CAPITAL)
# yank 5 lines into "a" then add a further 5
[I : show lines matching word under cursor <cword>
#Conventional Shifting
# visual shifting (builtin-repeat)
:vnoremap < <gv
:vnoremap > >gv
# searching
/^joe.*fred.*bill/ : normal
/^[A-J]\+/ : search for lines beginning A-J followed by at leat 1 A-J
/forum\(\_.\)*pent search over possible multiple lines
/fred\_s*joe/i : any whitespace including newline
/fred\|joe : Search for FRED OR JOE
:%s/fred/joe/igc : general substitute command
:%s/\r//g : Delete DOS returns ^M
:'a,'bg/fred/s/dick/joe/gc : VERY USEFUL
:s/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\2 : \1/ : reverse fields separated by :
:%s/^.\{-}pdf/new.pdf/ non greedy matching (ie to first pdf)
:s/fred/<c-r>a/g substitute "fred" with contents of register "a"
:%s/^\(.*\)\n\1/\1$/ delete duplicate lines
# non-greedy matching \{-}
:help /\{-}
:s/fred/<c-r>a/g substitute "fred" with contents of register "a"
# multiple commands
:%s/\f\+\.gif\>/\r&\r/g | v/\.gif$/d | %s/gif/jpg/
:%s/suck\|buck/loopy/gc : ORing
:s/__date__/\=strftime("%c")/ : insert datestring
# global command
:g/^\s*$/d :delete all blank lines
:g!/^dd/d : delete lines not containing string
:v/^dd/d : delete lines not containing string
:g/fred/,/joe/d : not line based
:v/./.,/./-1join : compress empty lines
:'a,'b g/^Error/ . w >> errors.txt
:g/cmap\|form/p : ORing
# Paste register *
:redir @* : redirect commands to paste
:redir END
"*yy : yank to paste
"*p : insert paste buffer
# Formatting text
gqap (a is motion p paragraph (visual mode))
# Operate command over multiple files
:argdo %s/foo/bar/
:bufdo %s/foo/bar/
:windo %s/foo/bar/
# Command line tricks
gvim -h
ls | gvim - : edit a PIPE!!
# vg.ksh (shell script)
# vi all files in directory containing keyword $1 and jump to $1
gvim.exe -c "/$1" $(grep -isl "$1" *) &
<<fold braces and javadoc |
Open a web-browser with the URL in the current line >>
Additional Notes