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plaintex.vim : Support files for editing plain TeX documents

 script karma  Rating 6/3, Downloaded by 1619  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Benji Fisher
script type

This package provides a compiler plugin and a filetype plugin for editing plain TeX documents ('ft' = plaintex).  It is intended to be used in addition to the default ftplugin for plaintex, which I also maintain.

The compiler plugin enables you to run tex (or pdftex) on your file with
and then correct errors using quickfix mode.

The filetype plugin maps " (double quote mark) to insert `` (open quotes) at the start of a quotation, then '' (close quotes) at the end.  It also maps <C-B> to insert "{\bf }" and <C-T> to insert "{\it \/}".  Both of these keys work in Normal, Insert, and Visual modes.
install details
Copy the zip archive to your vim directory (e.g., ~/.vim on *NIX) and
  $unzip plaintex.zip
to unpack the three files.  From within vim, use
  :helptags ~/.vim/doc
(or whatever other directory you use) to install the help file.

Configuration:  There is a section of the ftplugin file that you can edit to change the key mappings and the menu location.  If you have already edited this section, then write it out to a separate file, plaintex.vimrc, in the ftplugin directory before you install a new version.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
plaintex.zip 0.2 2006-11-06 7.0 Benji Fisher I added a menu.  This way, you can see what keys have been mapped without having to RTFM.
plaintex.zip 0.1 2006-10-20 7.0 Benji Fisher Initial upload
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