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user name benji
first name Benji
last name Fisher
email benjimemberAMSorg
registered Vim
user or sponsor
no, or user has chosen to conceal his donation

Script Contributions

matchit.zip extended % matching for HTML, LaTeX, and many other languages
aux2tags.vim Generate a tags file from a LaTeX .aux file
word_complete.vim automatically offers word completion as you type
foo.vim examples of Vim functions (and a few commands, etc.)
vimtips.zip Display a helpful tip the first time you start Vim each day.
python_match.vim Extend the % motion and define g%, [%, and ]% motions for Python files
tex.vim an updated version of the standard ftplugin/tex.vim
plaintex.vim Support files for editing plain TeX documents
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Questions about Vim should go to the maillist. Help Bram help Uganda.