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vimtips.zip : Display a helpful tip the first time you start Vim each day.

 script karma  Rating 180/92, Downloaded by 15218  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Benji Fisher
script type
     Whenever you start Vim (but no more than daily) the script will open a
help window with a Vim tip. You must download the tips separately, from

    After installation, you can get the next tip with


(usual abbreviation rules apply) or go to the top of the tips file with

:help vimtips.txt
install details
1. Unpack totd.zip into a directory in your |runtimepath|.  For most users,
this typically means ~/.vim or $HOME/vimfiles or $VIM/vimfiles .  This will
create files
plugin/totd.vim (the plugin)
doc/totd.txt (the docs)
plugin/vimtips/vimtips.txt (skeleton tips file)

2a. The easiest thing may be to restart vim, either right now or whenever you
get around to it.  Then totd.vim will automatically run |:helptags|, edit the
tags file, and open the skeleton vimtips file.

2b. If you want to finish the installation right now, without restarting vim,
simply source the totd.vim file and get a tip:

:source path/to/totd.vim

3. The totd.vim plugin will open the skeleton vimtips file in a help window.
Follow the URL there to download a real vimtips file.

4. As with any plugin that comes with documentation, you should run

:helptags path/to/doc

so that you can read the documentation with

:help totd
:help Tip

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vimtips.zip 2.2.2 2006-07-19 6.0 Benji Fisher I applied a patch from Bill McCarthy:  set the 'linebreak' option in the help window in case there are tips with long lines, and add :silent when updating the line number.
vimtips.zip 2.2.1 2006-04-06 5.7 Benji Fisher No new functionality:  I just updated the URL for getting a tips archive.
vimtips.zip 2.2 2002-11-22 6.0 Benji Fisher      I changed the way that the script edits files.  Installation should be slightly smoother, and in rare cases opening the tips should be better.
     In previous versions, I accidentally included a moderately large, very old, tips file instead of a skeleton vimtips.txt.  This version contains a small skeleton file.
vimtips.zip 2.1.1 2002-11-20 6.0 Benji Fisher I fixed a tiny, silly bug that probably would never cause a problem anyway.  (OK, if "vimtips.txs" is in your tags file, the binary search would screw up.)
vimtips.zip 2.1 2002-11-19 6.0 Benji Fisher Do not run :helptags automatically.  The user should install the docs (totd.txt) himself.  The tag for vimtips.txt is still inserted automatically.
Reason:  as long as this is the only script that automatically edits the tags file, there is no problem, but what if someone else tries the same trick?  Each script runs :helptags, wiping out the other's customization, ...
vimtips.zip 2.0 2002-11-19 6.0 Benji Fisher This is almost a total rewrite.  Installation is simpler, start-up is faster,
and I added a command


(or :Tip if that does not conflict with anything else, thanks to usual
abbreviation rules) to get a tip on demand.
vimtips.zip 1.1 2001-09-20 6.0 Benji Fisher Bug fix:  Be more graceful if :helptag has not yet been used.  (See the
installation intructions!)
vimtips.zip 1.0 2001-09-20 6.0 Benji Fisher Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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